The Horror of H.P. Lovecraft
The Halloween season is always a good time for a good scare. Movies and TV shows use the time of year to highlight the scariest, creepiest ideas. People remind themselves […]
The Halloween season is always a good time for a good scare. Movies and TV shows use the time of year to highlight the scariest, creepiest ideas. People remind themselves […]
Perchance to Dream: Selected Stories by Charles Beaumont I rarely give a book five stars. This one deserves it, both for the quality of the work and for its importance […]
The Last Days of George Armstrong Custer: The True Story of the Battle of the Little Bighorn by Thom Hatch The Last Days of George Armstrong Custer, by Thom Hatch, […]
The Gospel of Loki by Joanne Harris Let’s face it, there is a big literary upsurge in stories about “bad boy” characters. Well, Loki’s been the archetype for that for […]
Glorious War: The Civil War Adventures of George Armstrong Custer by Thom Hatch This book is a detailed study of the Civil War career of Custer. During that period, his […]
Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear This book is impossible to contain within a single genre of fiction. You will find it in our collection under “Mystery,” but it also contains […]
Land of Careful Shadows by Suzanne Chazin Land of Careful Shadows is a mystery/police procedural rather than mainstream fiction, but otherwise is very much in the same genre as our […]
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss This is an excellent book which is not for everyone. The author freely admits that, but not until the end notes, […]
Blood Red by Mercedes Lackey For the past several years, Mercedes Lackey has been exploring the fictional possibilities of folkloric tales from throughout Europe. In her Elemental Masters series, each […]
Full Measure by T. Jefferson Parker This book is unlike most of Parker’s fiction, in that it is not exactly a crime novel, although there are several crimes involved. It […]