book lists

image of highway sign: " Exit 244 Twin Peaks Rd 1 1/4 miles"

Honoring the creator David Lynch, who passed away on January 15 at the age of 78. The Big Dream by David Lynch [Music CD], 2013 The third and final studio […]

hands holding gift wrapped in fabric with eucalyptus leaves decoration

Put your creativity to use with things you have in your craft supplies or kitchen, and add some extra warmth to the winter holidays by making gifts to give to […]

Image of colorful autumn leaves

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to focus on home, family, feast, and reflection. Here are some recommendations designed for ways to honor old traditions or start new ones; for […]

image of skeleton reading a book

Halloween is just around the bend, and soon we’ll be setting our clocks back and presenting more dark hours for those “things that go bump in the night.” If you […]

Photo of bowl of pasta with grated cheese sprinkling down on it

It’s October 25: World Pasta Day–Celebrate! While you slurp your spaghetti or fork up fusilli, check out some titles you can get from the library to enjoy (sauce on the […]

Ocean/beach showing horizon and two arms holding up an open book, with text: "2016-2024"

  The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, 2016 Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. Life is hell for all the slaves, but especially bad for Cora; an […]

Image of four people on bench each reading a newspaper or magazine, with text: "2001-2015" Image credit: "reading#2 by rschmidtz, used courtesy of CC by 2.0 Attribution License

Image Credit: “reading#2” by rschmidtz, 2015, used courtesy of CC by 2.0 Attribution License   The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, 2001  Yann Martel’s 2001 novel Life of Pi tells […]

Image of two older people reading books on a park bench (image source: "Reading" by Zorilla, 2015, used courtesy of CC by 2.0 License) with text: "1990-2000"

  The Burden of Proof by Scott Turow, 1990 The unexpected suicide of his wife of 31 years impels Alejandro Stern, the accomplished, self-contained criminal defense lawyer who defended Rusty […]

PPL140: 1975-1989

  Ragtime by E. L. Doctorow, 1975 Set in New York City at the turn of the century, Ragtime focuses on a representative cross-section of America in the era prior […]

Listen Up! Audiobooks

  Some narrators do such a great job that they really enhance the “reading” experience. If you listen to a lot of audiobooks and have favorite narrators, you can search […]