Pasadena Public Library – Teen Advisory Board, 5/21/2018
Present: Armand, Chris, Denisse, Haile, Lauren, Liam, Liliana, Jonathan, Sofia, Sophie, Taleen
Special Guest: Deborah Aschheim
Focus of May meeting: advocacy, activism, inclusiveness, diversity, social justice
Special guest Deborah Aschheim spoke to TAB about student activism, oral histories and art, and her project, Time Travel.
About the project
“Time Travel is a series of posters created by Deborah Aschheim celebrating 50 years of student activism in Pasadena and East L.A. The posters are on display at 18 bus stop shelters in Pasadena and on 29 Pasadena Transit buses in 2018.
“Between 2017 and 2018, Aschheim interviewed participants in the famous 1968 East L.A. High School student walkouts and participants in related, less well-known grassroots student activism in the Pasadena public schools c.1968-73. She also collected stories of the 1960s-1970s Chicano Civil Rights Movement in Southern California and the fight to integrate the Pasadena Unified School District in the years leading up to and following the federal court order to desegregate the City’s schools in 1970.
“In addition to researching the Chicano “Blowouts,” Aschheim spent hours in the Pasadena Central Library looking at microfilm of Pasadena Star News and Los Angeles Times articles from the Pasadena Walkouts of 1969 (and the April 30, 1969 riot at Pasadena High School) and searching through 50 year old yearbooks from Pasadena High School, John Muir High School and Blair High School for images and information related to Pasadena student movements…”
To learn more about the project and to view images, check out the website: pasadenatimetravel.com
Image above from Pasadena Time Travel
Past agendas:
Teen Advisory Board — April 2018
Teen Advisory Board — March 2018
Teen Advisory Board — February 2018
Teen Advisory Board — January 2018
These notes are for record purposes only. For more information about attending events, please see our website: http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/library/teens-services/#menu3
To join the Teen Advisory Board, the application and description can be found on our website: http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/library/teens-services/#menu4