What is the Teen Advisory Board?  TAB is a group of library teen volunteers who not only helps the library and community, but takes an active leadership role in implementing programs, promoting, and advocating for youth services in Pasadena.

How is it different than just being a regular library teen volunteer? TAB is part of the larger teen volunteer program, but the main difference is that TAB members in addition have committed to attending a number of monthly meetings and completing specific projects in workgroups and independently.

Can I just participate in a TAB project here and there without joining TAB? Sometimes you can depending on what is shared in our teen volunteer email list. But the bulk of the planning and implementation happens during the TAB meetings, and most of the TAB projects are multi-faceted with many steps, so it’s unlikely non-TAB members will get to help very much.

How do I join TAB? 

  • Ages 13-17
  • Attend the monthly meetings (currently on a Saturday); Meetings take place at Jefferson Branch Library.
  • Apply by submitting a volunteer application for Jefferson Branch Library.

How do I stay on TAB? Joining is easy. Staying on TAB requires a little more work.

  • Attend as many of the official monthly meetings as possible.
  • Year-round commitment
  • Participation in online discussions, committee work, and pre-meeting assignments (this may include additional volunteer shifts)
  • Excellent communication skills and highly dedicated
  • Ability to work well independently and with the rest of TAB
  • The monthly time commitment is approximately 4 hours per month.
  • You don’t need experience to join, but you do need to be able to attend meetings, come in for extra projects, and work well independently and with the rest of the team.
  • It’s okay if you go on vacation or are less involved one month than the other. Missing here and there is fine, but not for a lengthy period. Refer to the TAB Participation Agreement at the bottom of this page.
  • If you don’t know, join and test it out.

What are some TAB specific projects?

  • Planning and implementing the annual Teen Murder Mystery
  • Representing library teens and TAB at Youth Network, City Council meetings, community fairs
  • Facilitating and sustaining Teen Central activities (at Central Library) such as monthly game days, book clubs, crafts,
  • Library system-wide / community teen programs and initiatives like the Teen Mental Health Initiative, Summer Reading
  • Advises staff and pilots programs and services for teens
  • Establishing a new video game and board game lending collection

What do I gain from being on TAB?  If you are active for at least two continuous years, you’ll gain insight and experience in complex planning and organization, including some basic understanding of City level policies on finance procedures and budgeting. You’ll explore creative, practical, and innovative applications of various ideas. You’ll balance working in teams and individually, practice creative problem solving, and how to be more inclusive. Sometimes members help create new lending collections, write grants, select furniture, books, and games. Most members also get to facilitate, instruct, or lead a library program.

What is TAB’s mission and vision?

Teen Advisory Board’s mission is to provide teens in the community with support through educational and entertaining events, opportunities, and resources, while closing the achievement gap and preparing teens for a successful and fulfilling life.

The vision for TAB membership is for every member to be an effective leader. The goal for every TAB member is to lead or facilitate a library program or initiative.

Does TAB have a strategic plan? Yes.  [see Youth Master Plan]


Current members


Hailey Chen, Grade 10

Hailey is a student at CSArts who is also a teen book reviewer. In her spare time she likes to read, draw, or find a new anime to binge watch while snacking. If she isn’t found doing any of those activities you could find her playing piano or bumping the occasional volleyball.

Lilian Su, Grade 10

Lilian is a student at Marshall Fundamental School. Her favorite subject is English. Outside of school, her hobbies include digital art and video editing. Her favorite music genre is electronic Vocaloid music. She joined TAB during the summer of 2022.

Kaelin Lee, Grade 12

Kaelin is a sophomore at CSArts and loves writing, puzzles, fashion, and all things panda related. When she’s not overly rewatching Friends, movies are playing in her head about the books she’s reading. She enjoys reading anything fiction, but mainly romance and fantasy.

Maddie Delbridge, Grade 11
Maddie is a junior at Polytechnic School and founder of The Speech Collective, connecting teens with younger children in our community through free public speaking skills-building workshops offered at the Pasadena Public Library.  A professional performing artist, storyteller, and poet, Maddie advocates for promoting unity and comfort in identity through accessible arts education and literacy. She is currently reading El conde lucanor by Juan Manuel, has a preference for black coffee, and is endlessly inspired by Ella Fitzgerald.

Nathan Wang, Grade 12




Edwin Abledu
, Grade 12

Kyle Kim, Grade 12

Addison Lee, Grade 12

Elise Chen, Grade 11

Leo Martinez, Grade 9

Paige Teng, Grade 11

Leila Nafarrete, Grade 12

August Bhattacharya, Grade 8

Teen Advisory Board is directed by Youth Services Librarian Ernesto Covarrubias.


TAB makes up approximately 15% of Pasadena Public Library’s Teen Volunteer Program. TAB facilitates:

In addition to facilitating and implementing events, TAB also contributes to (or has representation in):

TAB periodically reviews and contributes to teen library resources including:

Members of TAB are also responsible for creating:


TAB Participation Agreement

  1. The first three months is a probation period; new TAB members may not miss any meetings.
  2. A TAB applicant must be at least 13 years old and no more than 17 years old.
  3. All TAB members must, during their time on the board, lead at least a portion of a library teen program.
  4. A TAB member may not miss more than three consecutive meetings in a school year, excused or unexcused. Three non-consecutive excused absences per school year may be allowed. A TAB member may not miss more than 50% of the meetings in a school year (also excused or unexcused). If a member has an absence, they must participate in the email threads, or stay engaged in some way.
  5. A TAB member must turn in pre-meeting assignments by the midnight before the meeting.
  6. Each TAB Chair will keep track of their workgroup tasks via an online database or method to be determined.
  7. Each TAB member must contribute to workgroup assignments as determined by the Chair of the group or supervisor.

Excused absences are circumstances such as family emergencies, family trips, sports games, illness, or transportation issues. Other extenuating circumstances are access issues (no internet/computer at home), unstable housing, or unstable environments. TAB members must contact Ms. Jane in cases of missed meetings or lateness.

TAB Participation Agreements were approved and adopted by Teen Advisory Board 2017 and amended in 2020.