Reviewed by Hailey Chen, age 16
Travelers Along the Way by Aminah Mae Safi
In the setting of Jerusalem 1192, Rahma al-Hud bravely follows her older sister, Zeena, into the war over the Holy Land–fighting for honor and their homeland. But when reinforcements from the enemy are sent in, all Rahma wants to do is get home alive with her sister. Unfortunately, Zeena who has honor stitched into her heart refuses to abandon their comrades and convinces Rahma to take up one final mission to stop the Holy Land from falling into the hands of the false Queen Isabella. While journeying, they run into a motley crew consisting of a kind Mongolian warrior, a peculiar Andalusian scientist, a familiar handsome spy, and an unfortunate English clergyman abandoned in unfamiliar territory. Using all their cunning and wit, the unlikely teens band together to stop Queen Isabella’s plot to reclaim Jerusalem that would only lead to further war and discord–and find comfort, purpose, and friendship in each other’s company along the way.
Travelers Along the Way is a clever retelling of the classic tale of Robin Hood with entertaining banter and a colorful group of characters. You can feel the research that’s gone into this piece of writing and I enjoyed the histories of the different characters introduced. The dynamics between characters were probably my favorite part of the book as they all had such witty and enjoyable conversations throughout their journey–their shenanigans and occasional bickering being a personal highlight. However, the group all felt one-dimensional with their predetermined archetypes and personalities, each with skills that help the main character conveniently in her plans. This book is definitely more focused on the plot rather than the development of the characters, but since the characters were still enjoyable to read about despite their flatness, it was fun to tag along. The writing style takes a little getting used to as Rahma will periodically narrate and talk to the reader which feels a bit out of place for me. Additionally, I wished there was a bit more development in some of the romance departments of the book. It was barely existent and although Rahma will flirt, we as the readers don’t actually get to see if her relationship with Majid, the spy, progresses. There’s a smaller romance between two side characters as well but it’s more of a whiff of a romance. Ultimately, this is a fun, light-hearted read packed with adventures and scheming in a historical context. 3.5/5 stars.
3.5 stars of 5 stars
Find this book in our catalog: Travelers Along the Way
Catalog Number: YA FIC SAFI,A
327 pages