Dream Catcher Story Contest
Honorable Mention
(Category 2: grades 6-8)
“A Dream Becoming a Nightmare”
by Emelina Hakhnazaryan
Age 12, Grade 7
I shut my eyes
For the night’s rest.
In rushed to my head
A vision so absurd
I was left paralyzed.
For I saw a person
That I know to be dead.
With his body deep
In the ground where it can
Not be reached nor exhumed.
He laughed and joked
As if it were a prank.
That he was alive
All these years.
Watching us cry from
A tree so tall that it was
In the clouds where
No one could climb.
I asked him “What are
We going to do with
Your grave?”
He jokingly replied
“We’ll save it for next time.”
I pinched myself not
Knowing what to think.
But nothing happened
Nothing had changed.
As I reached to touch
Him I began to shiver.
My hand slowly touched
Him and I became sacred.
As if I was in a haunted maze.
My fantasy of a dream
Slowly turned to a nightmare.
I tried to wake up
But I failed as I
was still looking at him.
I started running
For many miles.
He followed me like
My guardian angel.
Not letting any harm
To come to me.
Suddenly I wasn’t scared.
But I felt a feeling of comfort
Come upon me.
I laid in his arms.
The longer I was
there I felt his
Heartbeat getting
Slower and slower.
Suddenly my eyes opened.
For this was
Nothing but an astonishing
Relieved but disappointed
I went on with my day.
Knowing that this was
All in my head.
For I had dreamed
About my late uncle.
Whose memory always
Lies in my mind.
View a list of all the winners: http://pasadena-library.net/teens/2020/dream-catcher-story-contest/