Pasadena Public Library – Teen Advisory Board, August 21, 2021 at Hastings Branch Library
Staff: Jane, Angel
Members: Yenyi, Noah, Vivien, Caelie, Gabrielle (Gem), Aminda, Leo
- TAB podcast invite – 2-3 TAB members in discussion with another library’s TAB; Noah volunteered. Anyone else? Will also reach out to graduates.
- Cancel escape room? Vote/ comments – Due to the increase of COVID cases and scheduling uncertainties, we will cancel the Oct. Escape Room and revisit the idea for next year.
- Mental Health Resource Center in new Central Library location
Bullying Prevention Awareness Month proclamation rally:
Mon. Oct. 4; 5pm (City Council meeting may run after 7pm)
In previous years, the Youth Network — made up of members of Youth Council, Youth Ambassadors, Pasadena Library Teen Advisory Board, and Day One — meet the day of a City Council meeting in October where the Mayor presents them with a proclamation. Here’s the one from 2019:
During the pre-meeting/rally, we discuss why this matters and then gather the students and walk to City Hall together. Each group sends one representative to stand with the mayor to receive the proclamation. Other students are also in the chamber as space allows or outside the chamber to represent in numbers the importance of this proclamation.
This year, we thought we could also work on distributing information to schools as a team. It’s low maintenance, but we’d still need students from each group to have that collective impact.
The date for the proclamation is Mon. Oct. 4. We do not know whether it will be in-person or on Zoom yet. If it’s an in-person meeting, we will have a pre-rally Youth Networking meeting at Day One (across the street from Central Library) to take place about an hour prior to the time of the proclamation. I am guessing it will be at 5pm. If online, I will schedule a Zoom pre-rally and can send details in Sept.
- Who can represent TAB to receive the Proclamation at City Council meeting? And a backup person? Also attend the rally?
- (1) Noah; (2) Yenyi; (3) Aminda
Ideas on a project?
- On WEAR BLUE DAY on National Stop Bullying Day – Weds. Oct. 13
- “Kindness Kits” or “Care Kits” in support of well-being and bullying prevention awareness. Kits can be assembled during the Oct. 4 rally.
- Blue ribbons and pass out info including info on how bullying affects mental health and learning environments; info on how to deal with a bully, find a tribe in school and in your community. Zine or comic would be best.
- Distribute ribbon/button with info + kit.
- Give two to each person you meet, and ask them to pass one on to a friend. And have each person have 5 ribbons + info to pass out.
- Ideas on what to include in kit:
- Fidget toy/mini game (intellectual, physical)
- Skincare facial mask (Physical, spiritual, emotional)
- Journal (Spiritual, emotional, intellectual)
- Sticker/decal (Emotional, social)
- Mints/candy/snack – vegan/allegernfree (goldfish the snack that smiles back TM)
- Mini calender
- Unity Day Against Bullying
- Wear blue day
Additional discussions on Well-Being grant project:
There are three kinds of kits we will be creating for this project.
- Personal well-being kits (aka. Care Kits); 500 kits to give away to program participants
- Well-Being Education Kits – based on the Mental Health Education Kits – training materials in a box enough for a class of 25 students; 20 boxes to be distributed to youth groups
- Mental Health kits to be checked out from the library – similar to our STEAM kits
Well-being programs:
- Rebranding some existing library programs to fit into grant project
- Game Club at Hastings – lead Angel (staff)
- Research on positive well-being and gaming
- On pre and post surveys: name 2 methods of well-being
- We can’t just call a program part of the grant; we need to connect directly back to the grant either with info or surveys
Well-being category in calendar – name it!
- “Well-being curriculum”
- “happiness project”
- “Gatewell to happiness”
- Acronynm of the well-being pillars
- Will vote virtually in the next week
4 Video journeys, ideas:
- Follow Jane around with a camera
- Reflection video personal journey (after program completion Gem)
- Participation interview (ongoing)
- Environmental time-lapse of catapiller stages of life
- Gem – possible lead
- Videos should include something that connects with this grant; can be directly connected to a single thought learned in a program, or experiencing the whole program itself and whether it’s changed your view on personal well-being, improved it, or made you think more about the concepts.
- Some examples:
- (example of video created for us by Pasadena Media – also an option for us)
- (video created by one of our teens at levelUP4)
- (video created by one of our teens at levelUP4)
Zine & blog:
- Aminda – possible lead
- Jesus?
- Tie in video journeys
- Zine articles about specific programs or pillars
What we need to capture:
- Advocacy. Show up to Youth Network, represent the library at City meetings, etc.
- Publicity. Pictures, videos, webpages / blogs, zine articles, etc.
- Survey results. Data, participant stories and feedback.
Additional training:
- Crash course on purchasing
- Storytime program run-down
Jane’s followup task list:
- Reach out to graduates for podcast
- Well-Being grant training Zoom link for Monday’s meeting
- Order more XS/S TAB shirts
- Poll on new name for Well-Being programs in Library online calendar
- Send video examples
- Meet with Youth Network leaders and narrow down Personal Well-Being kits items
- Design or select items for Personal Well-Being Kits (Care Kits)
- Create info materials and button designs for kits
- Create flyer for Oct. 4 rally
- Connect with Aminda to brainstorm zine article ideas
- Meet with Angel to plan game club well-being programs
TAB followup tasks:
- Attend / watch virtual training on Aug 23
- Possible names for calendar category – send by Wed. Aug 25
- Need bios for new members for our website
- Attend rally on Mon. Oct 4
- August 23 – training
- Sept TAB meeting will be virtual
- Sept 18 – YA book giveaway
- October 4 – anti-bullying proclamation
- October 13 – #wearblueday
- October 16 – next in-person TAB meeting
This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.