If this is an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. If you are feeling suicidal and need to speak to someone right away, please call the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Mental health resources for youth:
- Safe space: Pasadena Central Library: Teen Central at 285 E Walnut St. (during library open hours)
- Mental Health Resource Center: also located in Teen Central are guides, brochures, books, and lists for resources and information
- Programs: Ongoing monthly programs about mental health and well-being. Subscribe to the Teen Newsletter for registration info
- Online Resource List (get help & info)
- Reading list (bibliotherapy: heal through reading)
- Online courses and Education
If you are a teen and need to talk (or vent) to another teen about how you’re feeling, contact TEENLINE:
- CALL (310) 855-HOPE or (800) TLC-TEEN (nationwide toll-free) from 6pm to 10pm PST.
- TEXT: Text “TEEN” to 839863 between 6:00pm-9:00pm PST
- EMAIL: https://teenlineonline.org/talk-now/
- TEEN TALK APP: free safe virtual space. Download app https://teenlineonline.org/teentalkapp/
- MESSAGE BOARD: https://teenlineonline.org/board
About the Initiative
Pasadena Public Library Teen Mental Health Initiative: Safe space, support, resources, guides, programs, courses, and training.
The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) launched a mental health initiative in May 2016 to:
- increase awareness and discussions around topics of mental health,
- provide specialized services and programs for teens, family and friends,
- provide training for staff, and
- maintain a well-stocked, vetted, mental health resource center.
We’ve assembled a large list of mental health resources and added to our reading list. TAB helped create and select library brochures, reviewed books and movies for discussions around topics of mental health, and surveyed their peers on what kind of support they would like to see from our community.
Here’s what we’ve accomplished:
- Mental Health Resource list online: https://cityofpasadena.libguides.com/webteen/health
- Mental Health fiction Reading list: http://cityofpasadena.libguides.com/teenbooks/mentalhealth
- Teen Mental Health Resource Center – located at Central Library, it’s a simple, but effective way for youth to access information anonymously
- Youth Mental Health Education Kits – The kits include videos, book, a fully-scripted presentation that you can reuse or adapt, printouts, guides, digital files, and an extensive resource list for youth or educators who would like to implement mental health education in their institution or community.
- Participation in annual Mental Health Day (in May)
- Continue to embed mental health discussions and themes in teen programs. Read about some of them in Issue 6 of our Teen Zine.
- Check out our posts about mental health services here on the blog
To help further the initiative, we’ve received or benefited from grants provided by:
- California State Library & IMLS
- California Library Association / California Center for the Book
- Los Angeles Department of Mental Health
Here’s a snapshot of some of our mental health programs