• State of the Youth (Oct. 2019) at PHS

Photos from Youth Network meetings and State of the Youth events.


Youth Master Plan

The Youth Master Plan is a blueprint for youth services in the city of Pasadena. The plan was conceived and written with the voices of hundreds of youth advocates, youth organizations, and adult allies– including Pasadena Teen Advisory Board, Day One Youth Advocates, Pasadena Youth Council, and Pasadena Youth Ambassadors.

Although the Plan first published in 2015, it is a living document–meaning it’s continuously being discussed, updated, progressed, and advocated.

The six priorities identified in the Plan are:

  1. ACCESS TO HEALTHY FOOD ENVIRONMENTS – Youth should have access to a variety of high-quality foods available at all times
  2. LIFE READY – a Pasadena community that is committed to providing students with access to the arts, professional enrichment, higher education, and meaningful careers.
  3. FEELING FREE TO BE ME – To ensure all Pasadena youth are living and thriving in a safe, supportive, and bully-free environment-especially at home, school and all other places where they interact in our community.
  4. UNITED YOUTH SUPPORT – create a comprehensive support system that connects all aspects of youth development
  5. BUSES & BIKES – access for all youth to an effective and more affordable public transportation system and viable methods to get around Pasadena
  6. ALCOHOL, DRUGS, AND TOBACCO – Pasadena is committed to advancing positive health by providing youth friendly alcohol & drug prevention intervention and support services to youth.


Youth Network

Youth Network is a gathering of Pasadena teens to discuss, learn, and progress the Plan’s priorities and new issues.

  • Meets on the first Wednesday at 4pm in September – May at Pasadena Central Library (or on Zoom while the library buildings are closed). To search for upcoming meetings, go to pasadena.evanced.info/signup and look for “Youth Network”
  • For ages 12-18
  • Most attendees are members of youth leadership groups such as Teen Advisory Board, Day One Advocates, Youth Ambassadors, Youth Council, or library volunteers, but attendees do not need to be in one of the groups to participate in the meeting. We welcome a diversity of youth voices.
  • An annual update of the Youth Master Plan is delivered by teens from the Youth Network at a joint City Council & School Board meeting

State of the Youth

State of the Youth is an annual event. Its purpose is to gather feedback and data in preparation for a City Council and School Board meeting, where an update of Plan’s progress is presented.

Community leaders, School administrators, and City officials are invited to hear direct feedback from teens. The event has been held at schools, Central Library, the Rose Bowl, and other community centers.

Everyone is encouraged to attend, but the discussion and feedback is primarily for youth. It is a time for adult allies and policy makers to hear directly from teens about their concerns. The primary goals of State of the Youth are:

  1. Increase awareness of Pasadena youth resources and priorities.
  2. Help update the Pasadena Youth Master Plan
  3. Share youth issues that have not been identified

The program is supported by the Partnership for Children Youth and Families.


Advocacy and progress

How Pasadena Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB) uses the Youth Master Plan

One of TAB’s primary contributions to the community is developing and implementing direct services to youth. Our efforts are driven by our mission, while our decisions are guided by the strategies in the Youth Master Plan. We do what we can within our capacity. TAB’s Priority Areas are:

Life Ready: A Pasadena community that is committed to support opportunities for enrichment, higher education, and careers for all youth. Strategies TAB is employing:

  • Offer quality job readiness training or programs
  • Teach youth how to set goals and provide support
  • Create more arts opportunities for youth

Feeling Free to Be Me: Ensure all Pasadena youth are living/thriving in a safe, supportive, and bully-free environment, especially at home, school and other places where they interact in our community. Strategies TAB is employing:

  • Events to equip youth and parents with tools for personal safety
  • Build resilient teens through educational and experiential programs and activites
  • Develop a sense of interconnections between teens so as to build trusting relationships
  • Provide more opportunities for increased adult/youth connections

United Youth Support: Create a comprehensive support system that connects all aspects of youth development.

  • Increase after school programs and events for youth
  • Increase opportunities to become involved in their community through volunteerism
  • Improve technology access network system such as free wifi and computer access
  • Create more opportunities for youth to meet and connect with community leaders and agencies
  • More youth “hang-out” areas