Dungeons & Dragons

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On Wednesday the 22nd of May, patrons and staff of the Jefferson Branch Library embarked on a quest to rescue a family who had been kidnapped by goblins. A dungeon was discovered, Bugbears were charmed with magic, giant rats were slain with Eldritch Blasts, and a stove was moved to […]

The Stepping Off Place – Teen Book Review

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Reviewed by Elise Chen, age 15 The Stepping Off Place by Cameron Kelly Rosenblum Reid MacGregory can’t imagine her life without her best friend and social anchor, Hattie Darrow. It’s the summer before senior year, and Reid is deeply embedded in Scofield High’s popular crowd, courtesy of Hattie. However, when summer […]

Youth Network — March 2021

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Pasadena Public Library – Youth Network, 3/3/2021 In today’s meeting we will plan for mental health month. As many of you voiced the need for more mental health services especially in the last several months, today you’ll have the opportunity to shape some of those services for yourself and for […]

Housing and Emergency Services

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Know someone who might need help finding an emergency shelter? Or someone who has suffered abuse, neglect, abandonment, or in need of a residential program? How about someone who’s looking for legal aid or in search of other helpful resources? Here are some resources for youth experiencing homelessness or teens […]

Teen Line — Event

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recap by Nina Dinan, age 13 On June 7, the Pasadena Central Library hosted a presentation by Teen Line, a life changing organization which allows teens to connect (literally and figuratively) with one another by providing calling, text, and email lines for potential users. Volunteers from grades 9 through 11 […]

The Perks of Being a Wallflower — Movie Discussion

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recap by Genevieve Harvey, age 13 Many people feel uncomfortable talking about the issue of mental illness, and thinking about how they can deal with it or how they would react when hearing someone’s story. The Teen Advisory Board has tackled that phobia by showcasing a movie and discussion every […]

Youth Mental Health First Aid: Workshop at the Library

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Recap by Alicia Zhang, age 13 On Monday, April 17, 2017, the Central Library hosted a Youth Mental Health First Aid workshop, taught by Dr. Geoff Milam.. It was more of an introduction to mental health first aid—not to be used as a replacement for the eight-hour youth mental health […]

Ceiling in the Floor – Lineage Dance

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recap by Alaina Joby,  Grade 9 The Pasadena Public Library hosted the Lineage Dance Company for a performance on February 11, 2017. The Lineage Dance Company is a contemporary dance company dedicated to raising awareness for several non-profit organizations. The piece they performed this Saturday was titled “Ceiling in the […]

It’s Kind of a Funny Story — movie discussion

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recap by Angel Gomez & Genevieve Harvey Even though we live in an age where we can access information almost instantly, sometimes it’s hard to spread awareness of certain topics society views as “problems” or “controversial.” An example of this is the topic of mental illnesses, mental health, and how […]

Ending the Silence

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Ending the Silence – National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) By Alaina Joby , Grade 9        In honor of Mental Illness Awareness Week, the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) organized a presentation this October 8th to educate and spread awareness about people with mental health issues. Three volunteers from […]