Young Readers League 2018 Writing Contest
Honorable Mention
Category 2 (ages 12-14)
Hannah Cahalan
Age 12 (Grade 7), Blair Middle School
“Who Reads The Waterfall On The Other Side”
The mage stared at the waterfall as it glinted in the sun
The water rushing down as it filled up the lake bellow
He drew his wand and began to write onto the waterfall as if it were paper,
And in it, he wrote a message to whoever could see.
“I am a powerful mage
“I have so much to desire,
“But I am very lonely
“I need someone to help me”
Several days later, the mage returned to the waterfall
The glare of the light blinded his eyes
He saw someone had replied
To his cry of loneliness
“Hello, great mage” the water read
“I’m here to answer your plea
“For whenever you feel sadness,
“Come back here and write to me”
The mage pondered as to who
The other person could be
But now, at least, he had someone
Who cared about his feelings
He wrote along the water
Another tale of sorrow
His sadness being poured
Into the words that he scrawled
“I had a beautiful wife
“I loved her more than anything
“But one day she vanished into thin air
“And I can’t find her anywhere”
Immediately something on the other end
Began to compose a reply
“Maybe instead of searching for her and worrying
“You should find out why”
“You should find out why she left
“Or what could have taken her
“It’s ok to worry, everyone does,
“But you can’t stretch yourself thin with it”
“You sound just like my wife” the mage wrote
And then he began to cry
“It’s ok” the other wrote
“It’s ok to cry” it replied
Thank you to our judges: McKenna Blackshire, Alaina Joby, Nick Smith