The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith Enough was written about The Cuckoo’s Calling, the first volume in this series, and how it was J. K. Rowling experimenting with writing fiction totally […]

Teen Read Week: 6 Great Crossover Titles for Teens and Adults

  This week, October 12-18, is Teen Read Week, a national literacy initiative sponsored by the American Library Association to encourage young adults to read and use the library. To […]

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein Charles Eisenstein is hard to define as an author. The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible (2013) is […]

After a huge investment in time, tears, and devotion, you’ve finished all eight of Diana Gabaldon’s fantastically long novels and you know it’s going to be years until the next […]

The Land of Dreams by Vidar Sundstøl The Land of Dreams is an engaging mystery set in the Lake Superior area of Minnesota. The story involves a U.S. Forest Service police […]

Celebrate the Freedom to Read: 6 Great Comic Books and Graphic Novels

This week was Banned Books Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness of the challenges to books in schools and libraries that still occur all over the country. This year Banned […]

Blood Song by Anthony Ryan Vaelin Al Sorna is only ten years old when his father leaves him with the Sixth Order, a brotherhood of warriors sworn to protect the […]

September 19th is Talk-Like-a-Pirate-Day! While real pirates in history were scary, smelly people who killed a lot of other people, for some reason their lives as masters of the high […]

Staff Review: Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion R misses many things, but the thing his misses the most is his own name. After being transformed into a zombie, the hustle and bustle […]

Remembering 9/11

Today is the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as well as the crash of diverted United Flight 93.  In remembrance […]