Pasadena Public Library – Teen Advisory Board, April 24, 2021
Present: Yen Yi, Noah, Jasmine, Vivien, Luke
- Opening hours
- Games collection is very popular
- In-person volunteering
- Anyone logged in to the google line, please remove forwarding
- Src book list – scholastic catalog link
- Last year’s books: link
- In-stock
- Grades 7-12
- Pick 5 titles less than $10; ideally less than $6 each
- Variety – graphic novel, fantasy/sci-fi, realistic, historical, non-fiction
- Titles that you want to read. Fun, interesting.
- Your selections will be put on a survey for educators and the rest of the teen volunteers to help narrow it down.
Discuss: – function of TAB and its evolution
- Evolution of TAB
- Began in Feb 2014 with 5 people. They developed a purpose and direction for TAB.
- Through the years – see Implementation:
- Special volunteering roles
- Teen Central Assistant (Chloe)
- volunteer/intern hours reports & stats
- Bestsellers – online and in Teen Central
- Displays in Teen Central
- Backup the iLab; staff breaks
- Stocked Teen Central flyers
- LA parent posts
- Blog Editor (Alyssa) – edited and posted book reviews from our reviewers
- Artist “in-residence” (Kasey) – present and record art workshops; display art; artwork for prizes; images for covers (like for guides or zine)
- Zoom co-host
- TAB leads – do we need officers?
- Teen Central Assistant (Chloe)
- TAB initiatives
- Mental health initiative
- Summer learning / reading (i.e. SRC, collection development)
- Leadership (i.e. leading programs, training others)
- Advocacy (i.e. Youth Network, Youth Master Plan)
- Equity (i.e. programs, src, mh, games)
- Engagement
- TAB events
- May – mental health month
- July – levelup
- October – murder mystery
- Persuasive stories and presentations
- 2021-22 goal: 1 presentation at a community meeting
- High impact initiatives: TAB, levelup, Mental Health Initiative, Youth Master Plan, Young Readers League
- High engagement activities: murder mystery, book festival, YRL, levelup, family art
May 19 – Sketches & More
May 22 – TAB on zoom
- Mighty Chondria presentation
- TAB presentation plan
- Volunteer awards planning
- Levelup discussion
June 19 – TAB in-person outdoors
- Distribute shirts, tags
- Tour – building/section changes
Next steps:
Assignment for May meeting – come up with 1-3 questions to ask Mighty Chondria
Zine article questions – Genevieve, Cassie, Luke
Re-designing Teen Central
Info items:
Leadership Pasadena recruiting area youth age 17-21 for a new, free, program that Leadership Pasadena is offering. Participants will receive tech support, if needed, and will also get a free professional portrait during the program. 3-part “Homegrown Leaders” workshop for 17-19 year olds who live in Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre in May. Its focus is ultimately on job development, but will mimic their core community leadership development program curriculum by doing Pasadena Immersion, Leadership Development, and Community Partner Project work in each session to have a strength-based leadership skills & networking component too. The series is free to participants who are selected. It’s limited to 20 youth.
The link to apply is in the Workshop pdf. The application deadline has been extended to the 25th