Check out this year’s Teen Summer Reading program!
What is the Summer Reading program?
It’s a self-directed reading and summer activity program to motivate you to keep learning throughout the summer. Basically, all you have to do is sign up online (or we can help you do this in the library), read or do the activities, log in your progress in your online account, and you win prizes! For each 25 points you earn, you can pick a prize (limit of 3 per person); you can choose from 10 different options (see image above for prize menu). At the end of the program on August 6, we’ll select 10 random winners to win a grand prize. We have lots of cool stuff to give away like a Foosball table, a bike, Visa gift cards, and Fitbits. Just remember, the more points you earn, the better chance you have at winning a grand prize.
The Summer Reading program (aka Summer Reading Challenge, aka Summer Reading Club, aka SRC) has been at libraries for ages. Almost every public library has one and each library has different guidelines, rules, and prizes.
This year, our teen program is open to ages 12-19, which means, if you’re 12 years old, you can choose between the Children’s program or the Teen program, and if you’re 18-19, you can choose between the Teen program or the Adult program; it’s up to you!
How do I get started?
Sign up online here: http://pasadena.readingbydesign.org/
What are badges?
Badges is a new thing we’re trying this year. They’re online badges, but that doesn’t mean you can’t save them and share them on social media when you’ve earned them. But the POINTS are what you need to earn to get prizes. Some badges/points you can just claim yourself online; it’s on an honor system. Others you may need to get a “secret code.” Codes are given out when you turn in a book review (email them to jgov@cityofpasadena.net). You can also get an easy 5 points by picking up a starter set from our library. Just drop in and let a staff member know that you’re a teen and you’re there to pick up a starter set.
How do I earn prizes?
Read books or do some of the activities listed in the online program. There are lots of different things you can do like attend a teen library program (8 points), read a horror book (2 points), tell a friend about the program (5 points). For each book you read this summer, log it in for 8 points each. When you reach 25 points (just add all your reading points with your activity points), you can come in to get a prize.
How do I know I can get a prize?
If you’ve registered with your email, you might get a notification. Or check your account frequently and see if there’s a message for you. The system will let you know.
How do I pick up a prize?
You can pick up your prizes at a Pasadena Public Library. We have 10 locations. http://cityofpasadena.net/library/about_the_library/locations_and_hours/
Who came up with this year’s program?
This program (the prizes and point structure) was developed primarily by the Teen Advisory Board with guidance from me (Jane Gov, Teen Librarian at Central Library) and my colleague, Deborah Takahashi, Librarian from Linda Vista Branch and Santa Catalina Branch Library. The online badges were designed by Shauna Redmond, one of our Virtual Services Librarians.
We worked hard to ensure that this is a program you (teens) will enjoy and think cool enough to tell your friends. We hope you enjoy it, and don’t forget to tell us what you think in the annual after summer teen survey! You can check our website, this blog, or our Twitter account @pasadenalibrary for the link on August 8.