Pasadena Public Library – Teen Advisory Board, 1/16/2021
Genevieve, Noah, Jasmine, Leo, Yenyi, Vivien, Luke,
Edited videos so far
Scavenger hunt debrief
blog post with clues
Shifts for facilitators + less number of days
Walkable locations
Back up hints for each location
MHI grant – positive psychology
Youth network survey
Spring Take & Make (for ages 9+)
Send vendors + youtube page
Log your time
Zoom hosting
+ python workshops
Writing Meetup – Sun. Jan. 17
Sketches & More – Wed. Jan. 20 & Feb. 17
Out of the Pantry cooking program – Tue. Jan. 26
Youth Network – Wed. Feb. 3
Paint With Us (Black History Month) – tutorial by teen volunteer – Wed. Feb. 24
Info items:
Discussion: plans for Jan-Mar
Introduce yourself – your school / grade / how long you’ve been a tab member, what other volunteer roles you fill, or activities you do in the city. If you’ve been a TAB member for a while, you can mention some of the leadership roles you’ve filled.
And answer one of the following questions:
If you’re new: Why do you want to be part of tab/what attracted you to get involved? How did you hear about it?
If you’re a longer term member – Why do you continue to stay involved or what are your hopes for the team and what you can contribute by being a part of tab.
If you’re a longer term member — A meaningful experience you’ve had while being on the team.
Python – coding workshops
Noah – facilitator
9-14 ages
Cassie / noah
Selecting date(s)
Single workshop vs. series
3 workshop series
Tentative March schedule:
Writing meetup?
Cooking workshop
Python coding?
Sketches & More
Youth Network
Next steps:
Decide on date(s) for writing meetups — Genevieve
Decide on date(s) for Python coding — Noah & Cassie
Python lesson plan – Noah, with assistance from Cassie
Zine article questions – Genevieve, Cassie, Luke (around March)