Youth Network – 09/02/2020

Focus:  Life Skills, YMP




Day One Youth Advocates: 








Library Teen Advisory Board or Youth Interns


Cassie A

Marshall C

Leo S (also on PYC)

Luke S (also on PYC)

Jasmine S

Genevieve H

Kani T


Lily M

Noah H

Bishop H


Agenda and Notes

Notes from last meeting (May 2020)



Breakout Rooms 

  • 3 minutes to get to know each other 



  • What’s your partner’s name? 
  • What school does your partner go to? 
  • What’s your least favorite part of school? Why?
  • When is your partner’s birthday? 
  • What is your favorite food? 
  • What’s the best book you’ve ever read? Why did you like it?
  • Describe something that annoys you.
  • What’s your biggest dream in life?


Zoom Simon Says Checklist: 

  • Thumbs Up Feature
  • Thumbs Down Feature 
  • Slow down, speed up button 
  • Stepped Away button 
  • Raise your hand button 
  • Yes, No button 
  • Chat: Everyone / Personal 


Introduce the Youth Master Plan 

Intro to Youth Master Plan:


What would you like to address the most? 

  • Diverse option of foods – PUSD appears to have addressed some of this in the last few months with the food pickups
  • Communication about resources between youth and youth leaders/mentors (example of not knowing about mental health resources if it had not been for actually physically visiting library and seeing it; others don’t know it’s there)
  • Bus costs
  • Better bike lanes


Which one is the one that needs to be addressed immediately? 

  • Finances (enough funding for certain teachers to teach certain classes for IB, AP, etc.)
  • Sports, staying active during quarantine
  • Staying motivated at home


Is there something your organization is already doing? 

  • Example of CAP offering valuable resources virtually for college info


Upcoming/information items: 


Youth Network is a networking meeting for youth ages 12-18 and meets on the first Wednesday of the month during the school year (September – May). It is coordinated by staff from Pasadena Public Library and Day One. If you’re interested in attending the next meeting, look for the event details on Pasadena Public Library’s event calendar: