One City One Story 2016 Writing Contest: “A Vivid Memory”
Honorable mention
Category 3: Grades 9-12
“The Operation of Love”
by Eliyah Sims
Grade 11
Pasadena Youth Build
I’d sing a song in December just to remember you.
I was 16 when I first laid eyes on you; my parents told me you’d eat me alive. A truth rang in the obvious lie. You definitely did eat me alive with your eyes. You said it was important to be proud. You told me stories about the poor… People like you, people like me.
No one understood. 16 and 36 don’t fit. They’re not pieces meant to be. Like a flower that blooms I opened up for you, but you didn’t notice. You were too busy being 36 while I tried to catch up.
I was nothing without you. I hung on your every word. I danced in the rain for you, and like a snake sheds skin, I shed my former self to become a new me just for you. I dressed to impress and was always on time, but of course the feeling faded over time. 16 to 17 to 18 and on. Boyfriend after boyfriend dumped because they couldn’t compare to a love I couldn’t share. A love so one sided some would question my sanity. I just wanted you.
I remember running to school just to get to your class early. I sat in front just to look into your eyes, People would call it a crush and some would question my sanity. I just wanted you.
I remember running to school just to get to your class early. I sat in front just to look into your eyes, People would call it a crush and maybe that’s what it was… I knew the image I was casting.
Ass kisser.
Teacher’s pet.
I didn’t care, I still think about it sometimes, how a young girl could fall for someone so much older. I sit in front of my house. I have grandchildren running around inside. Somehow, I still find time to think… what is love?
Is it blind? Is it kind, mean, deaf? Is it waiting in the rain? Is it being truthful no matter what?
I’m married now, but I sit here and wonder… what is love? Do I love my husband? I can say I loved you… As a child could fiercely and strongly because that’s the only way they know how. I was a blank canvas and I handed you the brush to pain… crush or not… Would I be who I am today if it wasn’t for you?
Now will you sit down and think about it… cuddle up to the fire on a rainy night and think about it?
What is love?
Will you call on your lover and ask them… what is love???
Is it blind?
Is it pain?
Is it sorrow?
Is it dying for someone?
Or living?
Or is it much simpler than that?
Is it a feeling deep in your chest when you look at them?
An uncontrollable smile
Is it just a feeling that words can barely describe
Is love just plain love?