Teen Advisory Board 11/12/2016
Present: Chris, Luke, Lauren, Hadley, Maya, Madison, Genevieve, Kara
Photo above: TAB helping out at Young Readers League Circus Mirandus Extravaganza on Nov 17, 2016.
Below are brief notes from our meeting.
We talked about:
- murder mystery recap & discussion (Chris, Maya, Lauren, Maddy),
- possible future themes: Charlie chocolate factory, nightmare before Christmas, wizard of Oz;
- TABs from other libraries,
- Library Journal’s 5-star libraries,
- our new Library Director starts in Dec.,
- what do you think about Teen Central?,
- marketing & recruitment,
- what are you proud of?,
- future of TAB -rules for TAB – How many meetings can a member miss?
Maya motions to move the monthly mandatory TAB meetings to Mondays at 5pm; Kara seconds. Everyone in favor – all Yes. Motion passes. Meetings will remain 1.5 hours. Additional work times will be scheduled with individual members or committees.
Winter break programs:
- Wed. Dec. 28 – Game Night
- Thu. Dec. 29 – Writers meeting
- Wed. Jan. 4 – Crafts — various, whatever we have supplies for (buttons, magnets, book clocks, tote bags, tshirts, metal etch, 3D pens)
- Thu. Jan. 5 – Movie
Marketing: — assemblies, announcements, flyer postings, lunchtime outreaches
- Genevieve – Flintridge
- Hadley – Waverly
- Kara (/Mckenna) – Westridge
- Maddy – Crescenta
- Chris – Marshall
Dec agenda:
rules for TAB: How many meetings can a member miss in a row before being released from TAB?
Jan – May 2017 plan
Next year:
- Monthly book club, writers meetup
- Redesign Teen Central
- Library commission & city council
- Big program every other month (Oct, Dec-Jan (series), Mar, May, Jul, Sep) Murder mystery, winter series, teen tech week series?, mental health month, summer series & party, book festival
Things to look into:
Can we visit other libraries to look at their Teen area?
Can we meet TABs from other libraries?
These notes are for record purposes only. For more information about attending events, please see our website: http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/library/teens-services/#menu3
To join the Teen Advisory Board, the application and description can be found on our website: http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/library/teens-services/#menu4