May 31, 2014, 4pm, Central Library

TAB notes–

Five out of seven members in attendance (Chris G, Sarah M, Ben S, Kara E, Haneen E) plus 5 trial teen volunteers



  • review Summer Reading Challenge (Children, Teen, Adult)
  • Children — registration, maintenance, awarding prizes, sample spiel, information
  • Teen — registration, information, sign up
  • Adult — information
  • review SRC volunteer responsibilities
  • review summer schedule


Notes for improvement:

There needs to be a note somewhere on the Get Started Teens page that indicates where the book lists are (there’s a link in the vertical navigation, but it is not very noticeable–especially since it’s called “Books & More” instead of “booklists”)

Excellent computer skills are not necessary to be a summer volunteer; excellent in following directions, however, is required.  We can teach a volunteer what to do on a computer, but we cannot teach them how to follow directions.

All Central SRC volunteers will undergo training with someone from the staff, an official TAB member, or a trusted summer volunteer.  Because SRC volunteers will be working with the public, they are essentially representing the library and our services.  All SRC volunteers must be able to communicate effectively to the patron and… smile!

More training materials to be printed

We will need to scale down our SRC spiel — less but more effective words


What’s next

Next meeting:  June 21

Planning the Doctor Who End of Summer Bash

A look at our very first Teen Zine


More info about how to join the Teen Advisory Board