Pasadena Public Library – Teen Advisory Board, 12/12/2020
Present: Jasmine, Vivien, Luke, Genevieve, Leo
Announcement **Writing contest judges: If you want to judge the writing contest, you can do so by reading and sending me your results via email.
- Quick interactive polls using Zoom annotations. Purpose – to learn how to use the annotations feature and think about ways to incorporate into future programs.
- Teen Zine draft – TAB page ~ How would you like to be recognized? Purpose of the Zine is to showcase as many teens in the best light as possible while capturing all the various ways in which teens connect to library services. Focus showcasing talents, passion, creativity, innovation, and advocacy.
Draft of Teen Zine issue 9 TAB page - Introduce yourself video recordings — your school / grade / how long you’ve been a tab member, what other volunteer roles you fill, or activities you do in the city. If you’ve been a TAB member for a while, you can mention some of the leadership roles you’ve filled.
And answer one of the following questions: If you’re new: Why do you want to be part of tab/what attracted you to get involved? How did you hear about it?If you’re a longer term member – Why do you continue to stay involved or what are your hopes for the team and what you can contribute by being a part of tab.
If you’re a longer term member — A meaningful experience you’ve had while being on the team.
Videos will be edited and shared online.