We’re pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Bookmark Drawing Contest. Artists were challenged to submit a black and white drawing for a “coloring page” in the size of a bookmark. Thanks to everyone who voted including our staff and community members.
We received some truly beautiful submissions. The top two from each of the four age categories will be printed and distributed as a Well-Being Coloring activity.
Did you know that coloring enhances your well-being?
Coloring can be highly effective in fostering physical and emotional well-being for all ages. It stimulates creativity, enhances focus and fine motor development, and reduces stress and anxiety.
Join us on the journey on the Way to Well-Being. Starting this Winter, we are launching a challenge to advance well-being in our community. To participate in the challenge or learn more, visit: https://cityofpasadena.libwizard.com/f/wellbeing
Here are the winners and honorable mentions for each category. Look out at your local Pasadena Library starting this Winter for the printed bookmarks!
Ages 0-7:
“Eat Books” by Grey Griffith
Category 1, ages 0-7, winner
“Feeling Nature” by Stuti Mishra
Category 1, ages 0-7, winner
“My Love for Books” by Rachel Wong
Category 1, ages 0-7, honorable mention
“Pasadena” by Jonathan Salinas
Category 1, ages 0-7, honorable mention
“Reading is Flowerific” by Lucy Pastre
Category 1, ages 0-7, honorable mention
“Tortoise Butterfly and the Rain” by Sebastian Oblitas
Category 1, ages 0-7, honorable mention
Ages 8-11:
“Happy Penguin” by Salinger Hurtado
Category 2, ages 8-11, winner
“Animal Library” by Rudy Monahan
Category 2, ages 8-11, winner
“I Love the Library” by Emerson Griffith
Category 2, ages 8-11, honorable mention
“Nature is Magical – by Anais Sayegh
Category 2, ages 8-11, honorable mention
“Bears” by Olivia Hernandez
Category 2, ages 8-11, honorable mention
Ages 12-17:
“Books and Swirls” by Violet Gund
Category 3, ages 12-17, winner
“City of Pasadena City Hall” by Michelle Rivas
Category 3, ages 12-17, winner
“The Beauty of Words” by Maryn Goodwin
Category 3, ages 12-17, honorable mention
“Paint Your Own World” by Ana Sofia Jurado
Category 3, ages 12-17, honorable mention
Ages 18+:
“All Aboard” by Omair Khan
Category 4, ages 18+, winner
“Flower and Butterfly” by Jolean Matsumoto
Category 4, ages 18+, winner
“Read to Bloom” by Salma Mansoor
Category 4, ages 18+, honorable mention