Teen Advisory Board 2/20/2016

Present:  Haneen, Kara, Madison, Julia, Bella, Nathan, Meep, Lauren

Agenda: The focus of this month’s meeting is technology.


  • After the last YA Book Club meeting on February 8, Madison and Kara attended the City Council meeting in support of the Youth Master Plan, a city-wide plan that identifies needs of Pasadena teens. Through surveying teens and speaking extensively to the youth, these advocates (both adults and teens) are advocating for the following six priority areas: access to healthy food, being life ready, feeling free to be me, united youth support, transportation, and support for youth affected by substances or drugs (either directly or through someone they care about). Read more about the meeting here.
  • We now have an Instagram account @paslibraryteen. Cady has requested access and will post photos and updates related to teens at the library.
  • Display by Meep. Books selected by Hadley, Kara, Madison. Teen Advisory Board 2016.
    Display by Meep. Books selected by Hadley, Kara, Madison. Teen Advisory Board 2016.

    Hadley posted a new blog post with robot book recommendations. These are based on the Frostbot Frenzy display–selections by the TAB Readers Advisory team (Hadley, Madison, and Kara), and art by Meep.  http://pasadena-library.net/teens/2016/frostbot-frenzy-robots-in-winter/ 

  • Maya is still working hard on the draft of the Summer Reading brochure. We’ll be taking votes on SRC materials next month.
  • Julia has received an early acceptance from John Hopkins University! Congratulations!

MaKey MaKey program run through

Using the rest of TAB as students, Nathan practiced the MaKey MaKey lesson plan for this year’s Teen Tech Week. MaKey MaKey is a simple invention kit that turns everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It’s great for art, engineering, and everything in between. For the last couple of months, Nathan and Chris have been practicing and working on the agenda, which breaks down (more-or-less) like this:  1. Intro, 2. Example, 3. Try it yourself, 4. Compete with a game, 5. Create something together. The event will take place on March 5 at Central Library. Nathan will be instructing this program. To sign up, email Jane Gov at jgov at cityofpasadena dot net.

Other tech items

The Teen Advisory Board tinkered with random technology. They played with a portable scanner, GoPro, Apple watch, sound mixers, and a large drawing tablet. Below is a video by Madison and Bella, recorded using a GoPro.

WARNING: it is rather dizzying. View with caution.



These notes are for record purposes only. For more information about attending events, please see our website:  http://cityofpasadena.net/library/teens/events_and_programs/

To join the Teen Advisory Board, the application and description can be found on our website:  http://cityofpasadena.net/library/teens/volunteering/#Teen_Advisory_Board