Books We Shared
Books for preschoolers have become shorter and shorter over the years, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes it’s nice to find one like this book, published thirteen years ago. It’s long enough and juicy enough with the language that I feel like the kids really get a vocabulary workout just listening to it. And I’ll be honest, I just had SO MUCH FUN reading this lyrical rhyming verse book, I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track by Joshua Prince and illustrated by Macky Pamintuan.
This sweet book, Follow the Track All the Way Back by Timothy Knapman and illustrated by Ben Mantle, tells a story about a train who leaves home to go on adventures but nearly forgets his parents’ important advice for getting back. He eventually arrives home, safe and sound, where Mommy Train and Daddy Train are waiting to meet him.
I don’t always do this, but sometimes I have a book from home that really works with my theme and I share that instead of a library book. This book, Tell the Time With Thomas by Christopher Awdry and Ken Stott introduces the concept of the analog clock with an actual play clock and a simple, interactive story about a day in the life of everyone’s favorite tank engine!
Flannel Boards We Shared
Freight Train by Donald Crews
I used felt pieces to narrate the classic book Freight Train by Donald Crews.
Down at the Station
(Tune: Little Bunny Foo Foo)
Down at the station early in the morning
See the little puffer trains all in a row
See the engine driver turn the little handle
Puff puff, chuff chuff, off we go!
(remove one train, and count, then sing again until there are no more trains)
Action Songs & Bounces We Shared
Engine, Engine
Songs & games for toddlers featuring Bob McGrath & Katharine Smithrim
(we used shaker eggs with this song)
Engine, engine number 9
Coming down Chicago Line
If the train goes off its track
Do you want your money back?
Yes? (sway to the side)
No? (sway to the other side)
Maybe so? (sway back and forth)
Goodbye Friends (song in sign)
Click here for video: Goodbye Babies (Friends)
Goodbye friends, goodbye friends
Goodbye friends, it’s time to say goodbye.
Music from CDs We Shared
Children love to sing and dance to music. Here are some of the songs/bounces on CD that we used in storytime.
“Clap Everybody and Say Hello” from Sally Go Round the Sun by Kathy Reid-Naiman
“Little Red Caboose” from Wiggleworms Love You by Old Town School of Folk Music
“Wheels on the Bus” from Songs for Wiggleworms by Old Town School of Folk Music
Video We Shared
We watched “The Train Ride,” an episode from our Peppa Pig DVD “Stars.” In it, Peppa’s whole preschool class gets to take a train ride and write down the things that they see.
Continue the Fun
Here are some more books about trains to check out at your Pasadena Public Library Branch: