This past Monday, Jefferson Branch Library had the pleasure of hosting the ‘Worry Monster’ craft time for over a dozen kids and teens. This playful act of artistic expression brought smiles to the faces of all the participants including the adult caregivers. Best of all, the ‘Worry Monster’ craft can improve mental health by providing a visual representation of the concept of “Mindfulness.” Specifically, the act of placing worries inside the tissue box monsters teaches children to separate themselves from negative thoughts and feelings, so that they can learn to make peace with them.
Library staff prepared the room in advance with music and festive table decorations in order to create a welcoming and stress-free environment for children to create in. Examples of ‘Worry Monsters’ made by library volunteer Elizabeth Ashikyan and Childrens’ Librarian Ashley Olmsted were placed in the center of the room to inspire the participants.
Children, teens and caregivers were given empty, unadorned tissue boxes, as well as glue, glitter, colorful construction paper, and of course, googly-eyes, to use as decorations for their own personal Worry Monsters. Things got silly at times, and by the end of the event every available surface was covered in a thin layer of glitter. If I may end with a note of warning to others who want to replicate this exercise: lay down tarps first.