Today’s Infant Storytime was full of bathtime fun! We sang our opening song, “Clap Everybody and Say Hello.” Then everybody got a scarf, and we did our songs One Bright Scarf and Peekaboo.
Then we read a cute book about a small elephant who does NOT like bathtime, and how his parents eventually get him to try it. It’s called Small Elephant’s Bathtime by Tatyana Feeney.
We used our scarves to sing about taking a bath:
This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands
This is the way we wash our hands when we get all dirty.
This is the way we scrub our face…
This is the way we rub our ears…
This is the way we rinse our hair…
This is the way we sponge our tummies…
Then we did a flannel story about five little piggies in the bathtub:
One little piggy was taking a bath
The water was splashing and the bubbles were rising
That another little piggy came to join the fun.
Now two little piggies were taking a bath
The water was splashing and the bubbles were rising…
(keep going up to five)
Five little piggies were taking a bath.
The bathtub is full. The piggies are clean.
And the slippery little piggies get out of the bath.
(count down from five to one)
But the first one stayed. Now he has the bathtub all to himself!
We sang a bounce to the tune of “Bumpin’ Up and Down in my Little Red Wagon”:
Bouncing up and down in my little white bathtub
Bouncing up and down in my little white bathtub
Bouncing up and down in my little white bathtub
Splishy, splashy, splishy, splashy splash!
We tickled our babies and sang “Hurry, Scurry Little Mouse.” Then we sang This Little Piggy, wiggling our babies’ toes or fingers for each “piggy”:
This little piggy went to market
and this little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
and this little piggy had none
And this little piggy cried,
Weeee weeee weeee weeee
All the way home!
Then I put on the Bubbles song with my CD, and had every intention of having all the babies enrapt by the beauty of air-filled soap droplets floating around them… Except that my bubble machine didn’t work. It worked long enough to test it this morning and that was all. I’m going to look for something better! Anyway, everybody was great sports about it and clapped along to the song.
We read another book, called Get Out of My Bath by Britta Teckentrup. Also about an elephant in the bathtub, how funny! This book uses a shiny, slick kind of paint for the water and invites kids to help the elephant make “waves” and to tell the crocodile and other animals to “Get Out Of My Bath”!
We bounced our babies to Row, Row, Row Your Boat on our CD, and then did some stuff with our song cube. Thanks everybody for coming and being such a good crowd today!