Today’s Infant Storytime was a celebration of noisy, hardworking, fun-to-ride-in trucks! Everybody got a truck to hold and then we sang a song about the colors to the tune of “If You’re Happy And You Know It”:
If you’ve got a blue truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a blue truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a truck that’s blue, share so we can see it too!
If you’ve got a blue truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a red truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a red truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a truck that’s red, hold it high above your head!
If you’ve got a red truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a yellow truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a yellow truck, hold it up
If you’ve got a truck that’s yellow, wave it like a jolly fellow!
If you’ve got a yellow truck, hold it up
We sang Peekaboo and read the book Minerva Louise and the Red Truck by Janet Morgan Stoeke. Stoeke’s series about this funny chicken is a real win for infants and toddlers!
We did a movement song called “Fire Truck” with the same melody as the song “Bumping Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon“:
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck (wiggle an imaginary steering wheel)
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner (lean to one side while steering)
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Repeat with: “Climb the ladder” and “Spray the water”
We did a flannelboard version of an old song I remember from my childhood watching Sesame Street! It goes like this:
Three of these things belong together.
Three of these things are kind of the same.
But one of these things just doesn’t belong here.
Now it’s time to play our game!
It’s time to play our game.
We bounced to “A Smooth Road to London Town” and then did a tickle:
Hurry, scurry little mouse, starts down at your toes (touch child’s toes)
Hurry, scurry little mouse, past your knees he goes (touch child’s knees)
Hurry, scurry little mouse, Past where your tummy is (touch child’s tummy)
Hurry, scurry little mouse, gives you a mousy kiss! (give child a kiss)
We lifted our babies up and down to the song “Cranes Reach”:
Cranes reach up high
Cranes reach down low
Cranes reach really far, picking up their load
Cranes turn right
Cranes turn left
Cranes reach really high, dropping off their load
We read Supertruck by Steven Savage. When all the most celeberated trucks in the city go to sleep for the night and a horrible heavy snow falls, the lowly garbage truck transforms to become… Supertruck!
We bounced our babies to a CD recording of “Wheels on the Bus,” did some songs with our song cube and sang goodbye. Thanks for coming today. I hope to see you all for storytime next week!