At today’s storytime many of the babies came dressed up as cute little pumpkins, animals or movie characters in celebration of Halloween this week! Our theme was stories about dressing up, appropriate to the occasion. First we distributed colorful scarves to everyone, and we learned a song:
One bright scarf waiting for the wind to blow
Toss is up high and wave it down low
Wiggle it fast and wiggle it slow
(hide it) Hey! Where did it go?
Then we read a story called It’s Halloween Night by Jennifer O’Connell and illustrated by Jennifer Morris. It’s a book that invites kids to guess what each child’s costume is for Halloween, based on a few characteristics of what they’re wearing.
We sang a song about getting dressed, to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”::
Oh my hat goes on my head, on my head
Oh my hat goes on my head, on my head
I’m getting ready now to go outside and play
Oh my hat goes on my head, on my headOh my boots go on my feet, on my feet…
Oh my coat goes on my arms, on my arms…
Oh my gloves go on my hands, on my hands…
Then we did a flannelboard story about five little trick-or-treaters:
Knock, knock, knock, who’s at my door?
Sounds like a trick-or-treater at my door!
I open the door and what do I see?
A cute little ___________ smiling at me!
Trick or Treat!
Here’s a candy!
We sang Here is the Beehive and then a new song called Let’s Go Riding in an Elevator:
Let’s go riding in an elevator
Let’s go riding in an elevator
First floor (raise baby up), Second floor (a little higher), Third floor, Fourth floor, Fifth floor–
We read a book I brought from home called Book ‘o Masks: A Wearable Book by Donald Lemke and Bob Lentz. Apart from being a great read for our theme, this is a fun book for the boys in the family (dads included) and it’s one of my 2-yr-old son’s favorites! It was a big hit with babies and parents as they watched the top half of my face transform me into someone else!
We bounced to Ladies Ride, and sang Peekabo:
Peek-a-boo, where are you?
Hiding in your… PLACE! PEEK-A-BOO!Peek-a-boo, I see you
and your smiling… FACE! PEEK-A-BOO!
Now let’s see the whole parade of cute babies in costumes!
Update (10/29/15): Here are some photos I didn’t have at the time of posting and wanted to share now. Thanks again to Miss Marie for taking all these!
Thanks for coming to storytime today and showing off all your adorable outfits! See you next week!