Today we did a lot of animal talk–woof, meow, ribbit, roar, quack, and oink! We all put on animal hats and played Peekaboo:
We read I Can Roar! by Frank Asch, with large holes in each page of this board book so you can stick your face in and “be” the animal depicted!
We met a new friend in the “I Spy” box–a pig:
And we sang a song about being a pig, to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”:
I’m a little piggy
Short and stout
Here are my ears
And here is my snout
When I see the
Farmer in the dell,
I oink, oink, oink
and wiggle my tail.
We sang “Five Little Ducks” and counted ducks on the flannelboard:
Then we read Good Night! by Ethan Long, a book about how animals say goodnight:
I tried to make my own version of the book, but I got a little mixed up…
Fortunately, the infants and toddlers and caregivers were able to help me. 🙂
We sang and danced along to “When Cats Get Up in the Morning” from one of my favorite infant/toddler CDs, Wiggleworms Love You. It is mostly about animal sounds but it has a funny ending about what kids and their parents say in the morning too!
We read a third book (but I think this time it might have been overkill) called Woof! Woof! by Sebastien Braun. The flaps are really cute.
Toddlers watched the movie “Spot Goes to the Park” from the Where’s Spot/Spot Goes to the Farm DVD. I actually wanted to show “Spot Goes to the Farm,” but couldn’t get the option to come up for me on our DVD player! Weird.
After the 10 am and 11 am classes I took some pictures of everyone in their cute animal hats. Wish I’d thought of this for the 9:20 group too! It was sort of a whim that struck me sometime before 10 am, that I didn’t want to show only the hats sitting on the table in my blog post–I had to show them on smiling faces!
We’ll have to get a class photo of the Infant group next week! Something to look forward to for sure.
If you have any time in the next two weeks, please please please fill out our Summer Reading survey. We have never before asked for public feedback about our Summer Reading Challenge and we are asking now! We especially want to know what you think as active library participants and supporters. If you have any recommendations for us on how we could make it better next year let us know!