Age 8-11 Category
First Place
Kayla Su
Age 11,
Sage Oak Charter School
“Paths to a New Journey”
Colored pencils; 8 x 10 inches
This piece is gorgeous, thoughtful, and creative—with numerous well-thought out scenes depicting all the possibilities in one’s life journey—paths in the journeys ahead or left behind. It has beautiful composition, bright, crisp colors and images. It makes the viewer sit back and see how this person feels, what’s being left behind. There is an emotional lost, yet also excitement.
Second Place
Rachel Mirolla
Age 11,
Eliot Arts Magnet Academy
“Traveling West”
Chalk, pastel, pencil, block print; 8.5 x 11 inches
One of the judges mentioned that she “Loves the historic theme!” This piece employs great use of printmaking technique, texture, and colors. The huge sunset adds to the feeling of excitement and possibilities for adventure.
Third Place
Siluni Abeywickrama
Age 13,
Sierra Madre Middle School
“The New Land”
Crayon, colored pencils;
8.5 x 11 inches
Nice use of earth colors; it’s calming, reflective—reminiscent of going fishing, enjoying a moment of silence, alone with your thoughts, thinking of the journeys ahead.
Honorable Mentions
Fajardo Natalia
Age 10, Hamilton Elementary
“New Journey”
Pastels; 16 x 18 inches
Lucas Huang
Age 10, Oasis Trilingual Community School
“God’s Creation”
Markers, plasti-dip, airbrush; 15.5 x 11.5 inches
Mia McNulty
Age 11, McKinley School
“Taj Mahal”
Paint; 11 x 14 inches
Taylor Herrington
Age 9, Lycee International
“Which Path”
Chalk, pastel, colored pencils, markers; 12 x 14 inches
Katie Su
Age 9, Sage Oak Charter School
“A Voyage to a New Life”
Colored pencils; 8 x 10 inches
Thank you to our judges:
Click here for a list of all the contest winners
Click here for the Art Contest age 12-14 category