Today we talked about our five senses, played with shakers and bubbles and had an argument with a puppet!
Books We Shared
Whenever I read Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld, I like to stage an argument with a duck puppet. The duck is convinced that we are looking at a member of his species while I appeal to the kids to take MY side that no, it’s a rabbit! It makes for lots of laughs and some food for thought about the fact that we all see the world a little differently.
Tickle Monster by Edouard Manceau also has some great visual things going on with it, and is a fun book to teach the five senses. You tell the monster: “If I tickle your nose, you can’t smell me! If I tickle your ears, you can’t hear me!” And every time you tickle a part of the monster’s body, it disappears and becomes something else. His horns become a moon, his arms and legs become trees. It’s a neat visual trick that the illustrations achieve!
Yummy Yucky by Leslie Patricelli is a baby’s exploration of tastes and flavors. It’s great for teaching senses and also opposites. It’s also just fun to talk about all the gross things that the baby tries. Alas, Yummy Yucky is not currently available for checkout (I was reading a personal copy) but we have many other cute books of hers here at the library.
Flannel Boards We Shared
We used felt pieces to share the text of the book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? By Bill Martin and Eric Carle.
Songs We Shared
Goodbye Friends (song in sign)
Click here for video: Goodbye Friends
Goodbye friends, goodbye friends
Goodbye friends, it’s time to say goodbye.
“Song In My Tummy” from The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band
Today we did two songs from Jim Gill’s album Jim Gill Makes It Noisy in Boise, Idaho: “Tickle Toe” and “The Sound Effects Song.”
We also sang and danced to “Wheels on the Bus” by Old Town School of Folk Music:
Video We Shared
We watched the episode “Perfume” from the Peppa Pig show’s Princess Peppa DVD. In this episode, Peppa plays with all kinds of fragrances to make the best-smelling perfume.
Continue the Fun at Home
If you want to read more books about the five senses, check these out at your local Pasadena Public Library.