On Saturday our preschool storytime crowd had fun with silly books about hair! We started storytime with the Wiggleworms Love You song “Clap Your Hands” and then read the book Mustache Baby by Bridget Heos. I think the parents liked the tongue-in-cheek humor in this one! It’s a funny book about a baby with a mustache, who is trying to find out whether he has a “good guy” mustache or a “bad guy” mustache. And like his mother says, “Everyone has a bad mustache day now and then”!

We sang “Do Your Ears Hang Low” from the CD Children’s Favorite Songs by Disney. Then we did a story on the flannelboard about a guy named “Lou” and his mustache:

lou 1

There once lived a man named Mr. Lou,
He had a mustache that grew, and GREW!
By Monday, it was as tiny as his nose,
By Tuesday, on and on it grows!
By Wednesday, it stretched as far as his ears!
By Thursday, it looked as if it had grown for years.
But on Friday Mr. Lou caught the flu…
and off went the mustache—it flew and FLEW!

lou 2

lou 4

lou 3

In hindsight, I wish I had made the mustache yellow or brown! Oh well. It was still a great lead into our next book, which was about a “big, black, beautiful mustache”! It was called Mo’s Mustache by Ben Clanton, and it’s a pretty new addition. It has a nice moral that “imitation is the best form of flattery.”

After that, I asked the kids to help me decide on a new hairdo for me! The hair I was wearing (or should I say wig) looked something like this:

red hair

We did this rhyme about “Going to the Barber”:
I’m going to the barber
to get a new haircut.
I want a brand-new style,
but I can’t decide on what.
Should I cut it like a clown’s,
in a big red curly mop?
How would it look all colored blue,
and puffy on the top?
How about green with pointed bangs,
Or orange like a fire?
Or maybe something slick and black
like a creepy old vampire?
I could put it up in pigtails
or a wild purple mane
Or maybe curls like goldilocks?
Or there’s always brown and plain.
It’s so hard to choose a style
when you need a new hairdo.
Maybe you can tell me –
which one would you choose for you?

blue hair

goldilocks hair

all hair

Our last book was also about being proud of your style, and about imitation–except in this book, imitation is taken to a disastrous extreme! The book is called Stephanie’s Ponytail by Robert Munsch. Although I had to abridge it very slightly, I still think it’s a fantastic readaloud.

We watched the video “Crazy Hair Day” which again takes the theme from the last book just a little bit farther, exploring how young Stanley Birdbaum’s Crazy Hair Day goes from being exciting and fun to being completely humiliating, finishing as a day he certainly will never forget.

If you would like more great books about hair, try these!