This past Tuesday we told stories about autumn leaves and met some animals who like to eat leaves.
After our opening song, I got out my I Spy box and introduced the babies to a turtle and a ladybug who like to nibble on leaves.
Then we read the book Mouse’s First Fall by Lauren Thompson. It’s a simple story about a mouse who learns how fun it is to jump in piles of leaves.
We sang Great Big Apple Tree and Way Up High in the Apple Tree. Then we did a flannelboard story about turning over leaves looking for a little squirrel. First, all you can see are leaves of different colors:
Then we flip the colors over one by one, exposing a surprise!
We sang Here We Go Up, Up, Up and then bounced to a new song called “Did You Ever See the Wind Blow?” (to the tune of Did You Ever See a Lassie?):
Did you ever see the wind blow, the wind blow, the wind blow,
Did you ever see the wind blow, blow this way and that?
Blow this way up high
And that way down low
Did you ever see the wind blow, blow this way and that?
We read a book called That Pup! by Lindsay Barrett George. I love the illustrations of the happy puppy who has discovered a wonderful new game she calls “Find the Acorn”–a game that the poor little squirrel chasing after her does not like one bit! (Tip: read it with your babies and see if you can find the squirrel hiding on each spread.)
We bounced to the song A Smooth Road to London Town:
A smooth road to London town
A smooth road to London town
The road goes up and the road goes down
A smooth road to London town
But … by and by we come to a dell
There the roads are not so swell
A bumpy road, a bumpy road, a bumpy road to London town
A smooth road to London town
A smooth road to London town
The road goes up and the road goes down
A smooth road to London town
But… by and by we come to a wood
And there the roads are not so good
A rough road, a rough road, a rough road to London town
We finished with the tickle Round and Round the Garden, and some songs with our song cube.
Remember to bring your babies in costume for next week’s storytime! Since it’s the closest one to Halloween it’s kind of a tradition here to bring the babies all dressed up–and it gives you a day to try out the adorable new costume you just bought!