My final Infant Storytime for the Summer Session was bittersweet; it is always so sad for me to let the babies go. It is truly an honor to share this special stage in your baby’s development – I always feel so happy sharing stories, rhymes, bounces & songs with all of you!
Well enough of my babbling…on to what we shared during our final storytime!
Learning language is certainly a full-time job for a wee one and reading The Baby Goes Beep is a wonderful, way to introduce your infants to words that make noise! Beep, boom, yum, splash, smooch….shhhhh…all of these words connote exciting sounds. Once your babies reach toddlerhood, you’ll find they’ll” imitate sounds more easily than words” (
Transitions are tough for babies…they don’t understand why they have to stop playing when they’re having so much fun! They don’t understand why it isn’t a good idea to stay up ALL night! Time to say Bye-Bye is a great book to help your child figure out a strategy to cope with transitions. You see a baby at the playground, grandma’s house, in the bathtub, before bedtime…all different times when there might be some difficulty transitioning to another activity. This beautifully illustrated book with simple text will speak to your child’s need to say bye-bye in a way that soothes and feels comfortable.
Welcome Song
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we’re here, let’s have some fun!
First we clap our hands just so,
Then we bend and touch our toes,
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we’re here, let’s have some fun!
Hello Babies…(in sign)
(To the tune of Goodnight Ladies)
Hello babies, hello babies,
Hello babies, it’s time to say hello.
Dickery Dickery Dare
Dickery, dickery dare,(bounce baby on lap gently)
The pig flew up in the air (lift baby up from lap)
The man in brown soon brought him down (bring baby back down to lap)
Dickery Dickery Dare (bounce baby on lap gently)
The Grand Old Duke of York
The Grand Old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men,
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
And he marched them down again;
And when they’re up, they’re up,
And when they’re down, they’re down,
And when they’re only halfway up,
They’re neither up nor down.
Movement Songs:
Clap, Tap and Bend
I take my little hands and go
Clap, clap, clap;
I take my little hands and go
Clap, clap, clap;
I take my little hands and go
Clap, clap, clap,
Clap, clap all day long!
Repeat with:
(feet…tap, tap, tap)
(knees…bend, bend, bend)
This is the the way the ladies ride…
(Bounce baby on knee)
This is the way the ladies ride
jiggity jog, jiggity jog;
This is the way the ladies ride
Jiggity, jiggity jog.
This is the way the gentlemen ride,
Gallop and trot, gallop and trot,
This is the way the gentlemen ride;
Gallop and gallop and trot!
This is the way the farmers ride,
Hobbledy hoy, hobbledy hoy,
This is the way the farmers ride;
Hobbledy, hobbledy, hoy!
Trit trot to Boston Town
Trit trot to Boston town to get a stick of candy,
One for you and one for me and one for Dickey Dandy!
Trot, Trot, Trot!
Pony, do not stop!
Let’s go where it’s cool and stony,
Ride along, my little pony,
Go and never stop!
Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot!Trot, trot, trot!
Pony, do not stop!
Let’s go riding to the pasture,
Come on, pony, even faster!
Go and never stop!
Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot!
Jack be Nimble…
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the candlestick!
Round and round the garden, goes the teddy bear…a one-step, a two-step…a tickle under there!
Closing Songs:
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are;
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky;
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy, bitsy spider went up the water-spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out;
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
So the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again!
Goodbye Babies
(To the tune of Goodnight Ladies)
Goodbye babies, goodbye babies
Goodbye babies, it’s time to say goodbye.
More fun books about babies!!!