Young Readers League “What’s in a Name” Writing Contest
Category 1 (Age 8-11)
1st place
Lily Means…
by Lily Mahmud
8 years old (Grade 3)
Eagle Rock Elementary
Running free on a horse, not looking back behind her.
Hiding in a room getting inspiration from free thought.
Standing in front of shy faces, courage floods through her blood filling every space.
Dreams of standing in a meadow, leading a horse to an apple tree.
Snuggles close to two plush dogs, treasuring these Golden Retrievers.
Whispering with best friends in a library filled with light and old books.
Thinks of living in New York one day, writing books about horses.
Friends give ideas for great stories, inspiring her to engrave words onto parchment.
A field of lilies with sunlight shining down over them.
Everyone’s name is special. In the spirit of this year’s Young Reader’s League selection, Rump by Liesl Shurtliff, we are holding a writing contest focusing on the meaning of names. In 300 words or less, tell us something about your name. This could be how you got your name, what it means to you, or what it means in general. Anything about your name is fine. Winners will receive a gift card to Vroman’s Bookstore and have their entry featured on the library’s blogs.
Special thanks to our judges: Allison Hill (Vromans), Catherine Hany (Pasadena Library), Dan Mclaughlin (Pasadena Library), Judy Melton (Friends of the Library), Nick Smith (Pasadena Library), Roy Park (Pasadena Library), Tiffany Duenas (Pasadena Library)