continued from El Deafo Part 1


Sign Scavenger Hunt

sign language

The program was geared toward kids ages 8-12, but all ages were invited to attend.  We started out in the Story Room where our Sign Language professional on staff, Tiffany Duenas, spoke a little about deaf culture and taught basic sign language. All participants received a page of sign language letters and everyone practiced signing “My name is _____.”  Other words Tiffany taught the group included:  deaf, thank you, please, father, mother, brother, sister, friend, my friend, and I.  Tiffany also showed everyone how to “clap” (by waiving both hands in the air).

Next, the kids went in search for clues in the Children’s Room. Sixteen letter signs were posted around our juvenile and picture book collections and several words were posted around our junior high areas. Kids used what they learned during Tiffany’s presentation to decipher the phrases.

The letters spelled out to “Thank you, my friend” and the signs were:



More about Young Readers League

Tie-in programs at Vroman’s includes a friendship bracelet workshop, graphic novel workshop, a pajama party, and the final author event and book signing (Jan. 14 at Vroman’s). Several school classes will also get a chance to win a visit from the author. YRL was an idea originally suggested by Jefferson Elementary teacher Patty Shaw.  In 2012, Vromans established the program with the first selection Savvy by Ingrid Law. The program is currently funded by an indie bookstore grant from James Patterson.

The selection committee consisted of three Vroman’s managers, a fourth grade teacher, two fourth grade students (a boy and girl, not from the same class), and me (representing the library). YRL has garnered support from our school district and local youth groups. Two years ago, the first YRL had about 1,000 participants. We’re hoping to top that!