Our storytime was all about colors today! For a printable list of the songs, fingerplays, and flannelboards we shared (including lyrics/words), please click here: TODDLER – Colors songs-rhymes for ITT
Along with reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear…,we enjoyed a colorful pop-up book titled Colors pop-up Peekaboo! This book appeals to infants and toddlers, primarily for color identification and three-dimensional appeal. Each page focused on a different color with a special friend hiding behind a peekaboo flap. The elements of guessing and the colorful visuals made this the perfect book to establish today’s theme!
We also shared the classic story Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh, not by reading the book aloud but by re-enacting the antics of the three white mice who stumble upon three cans of paint – one red can, one blue can and one yellow can. What fun they had jumping into the cans of paint! This is a great book for teaching color identification and color mixing and IT was a BIG hit with the toddlers!
(Photo credits go to Catch the Possibilities BlogSpot.)
For reinforcement, we repeated Brown Bear, Brown Bear… in a flannel story. The children were easily able to identify the animals and their colors after listening to the book being read aloud. They also enjoyed the different textures the flannel pieces brought to these familiar characters.
And because we were on a roll – we squeezed in a little game right before our video. We had to find which color house a little mouse was hiding behind!
Little Mouse, Little Mouse…
Little Mouse, little mouse are you in the RED, BLUE, GREEN…house?
DVD – Good Morning Masiy! Colors & Shapes – Balloon