We celebrated things that fly and chirp in today’s eStorytime all about birds!
Apps We Shared
Before revealing the theme of today’s eStorytime with the audience, we played a guessing game with our first app. I played an animal sound using Animal Sounds – Fun Toddler Game by Innovative Mobile Apps/Alligator Apps (iOS: FREE), and asked everyone to guess what they were hearing. This is actually a lot harder than it sounds. As a group, we tried to identify a turkey, an owl, a peacock, and other birds.
We then moved on to our first book app, Jerry’s Day Out! by Ink Robin ($2.99 ;iOS). This is an adorable story of three friends: a boy, a dog, and a budgie bird. When the friends lose a balloon, Jerry the Budgie sets off to find it, but soon gets lost in New York city. As he makes his way home, he meets some very interesting friends throughout the city.
It was time for us to become storytellers with our next app, Don’t Let the Pigeon Run this App by Mo Willems from Disney (iOS; $5.99). With the guidance of the bus driver the children in storytime got to hear their voice in our story, “Don’t Let the Pigeon Play the Game!”. I was hoping that I would be able to upload it on here to share, but unfortunately the app doesn’t allow for uploading. You’ll have to take my word for it when I say that it was one of the cutest things ever. Or, better yet, come join us at the next eStorytime on March 6 at 10am to see the fun firsthand!
Our last app of storytime was Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton from Loud Crow Interactive ($3.99; iOS, Android, Nook Color). We all laughed as Turkey made a lot of mistakes getting dressed. Oops!
Try these fun rhymes at home with your child!
Little Robin Redbreast
Little Robin Redbreast (make fist and join thumb & index finger)
Sitting on a rail (rest wrist on edge of other hand)
Nibble nabble goes his head (move thumb & index finger up and down)
Wiggle waggle goes his tail (tilt wrist over other hand)
5 Little Birds
Five little birds without any home (raise left hand fingers)
Five little trees in a row (raise right hand fingers)
Come build your nest in our branches tall (interlace fingers)
We’ll rock you to and fro (sway nest gently)
Continue the Fun
Want some more fun apps to play with?
Visit the Children’s Room and play with these on our iPads.
Or, check out our Pinterest pages: