It was all about the colors of the rainbow during Infant Storytime this week. We also learned that the word Colors begins with the Letter C and we discovered that the words Cat, Cupcakes & Cloud also begin with C! Take a look at the books, flannel activities, songs, rhymes & bounces we shared.
Books We Shared
Colors pop-up Peekaboo! produced by DK Publishing is a colorful, interactive experience! We observe Teddy looking for his yellow friend (yellow ducky), Dolly looking for her red friend (red birdie), Rabbit for his blue friend (blue dragonfly), Puppy for his green friend (green turtle) and all of the toys looking for their Rainbow friend (a multi-colored butterfly). Of course all of these friends pop-up from behind various objects to surprise and delight us!
We shared Bill Martin’s classic book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See? Last week we told the story using flannel pieces; this week read the book. The book is cumulative with each animal seeing the next animal until we get to the children who see a teacher/librarian looking at them at the very end.
Nursery Rhyme Flannel We Shared
Mary Had a Little Lamb (with a twist)
Mary lost her little lamb so we tried to help her! We sang the nursery song until we found her little lamb with “fleece as white as snow.” In the process lambs of many different colors came out to play!
Original verse:
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
It’s fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went,
Everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
Alternative colors:
Mary had a little lamb…
It’s fleece was green as grass;
It’s fleece was yellow like the sun;
It’s fleece was red like an apple;
It’s fleece was black as the night;
It’s fleece was blue as the sky
Below is the “long” version of the nursery rhyme:
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb,
It’s fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school one day
Which was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned him out,
But still he lingered near;
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear
“What makes the lamb love Mary so?”
The eager children cry;
“Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,”
The teacher did reply.
Songs, Rhymes & Bounces We Shared
We share a lot of songs, bounces & rhymes during storytime! You’ll find lyrics/words to most of the bounces, songs & rhymes we shared.
Welcome Song
(to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we’re here let’s have some fun!
First we clap our hands just so,
Then we bend and touch our toes.
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we’re here let’s have some fun!
Clap Everybody and Say Hello! (see “CDs section” below to find this song in our CD collection)
Clap everybody and say hello, clap everybody and say hello, clap everybody and say hello, no matter what the weather
Stamp everybody…
Wiggle everybody…
Jump everybody…
Dance everybody…
Sing everybody…
Songs, Bounces & Tickle
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Video: Twinkle Twinkle
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle Twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.
Video: The Grand Old Duke of York
Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill
And he marched them down again.
When they were up, they were up,
And when they were down, they were down,
And when they were only halfway up,
They were neither up nor down.
One, Two, Three…Whee!!! (song & bounce)
One, two, three…Whee (repeat 3 x)
Then count – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8!
REPEAT with Jump, Shake, Twist & then back to Whee!
From: Smile at Your Neighbor with Mr. Eric ~ Eric Litwin
Peas Porridge Hot! (bounce)
Video: Peas Porridge Hot
Peas porridge hot (bounce baby on lap)
Peas porridge cold (bounce baby on lap)
Peas porridge in the pot, nine days old!
Some like it hot (move baby to left)
Some like it cold (move baby to right)
Some like it in the pot, nine days old! (bring baby down below knees)
Two Little Eyes (fingerplay rhyme)
Two little eyes to look around (point to eyes)
Two little ears to hear a sound (point to ears)
One little nose to smell what’s sweet (point to nose)
One little mouth that likes to eat! (point to mouth)
Dickery Dare (bounce)
Video: Dickery Dare
Dickery, dickery dare,
The pig flew up in the air…WOOOO! (lift baby up)
The man in brown
Soon brought him down! (put baby back on lap)
Dickery, dickery, dare.
With My Little Hands (song activity)
With my little hands I go clap, clap, clap, (clap baby’s hands)
With my little feet I go tap, tap, tap. (tap baby’s feet)
With my little arms I wave bye, bye, bye, (gently lift baby’s arm to wave bye)
With my little legs I kick high, high, high! (help lift baby’s legs)
With my little eyes I say peekaboo, (cover baby’s eyes and play peekaboo)
With my little lips I say I love you! (look at baby and say I love you)
Round the Garden (circle baby’s belly button)
Round and round the garden, goes the Teddy Bear, a one-step, a two-step, a tickle under there.
Baby’s Fingers (point to baby’s body parts and circle baby’s belly button)
These are baby’s fingers, these are baby’s toes, this is baby’s tummy button, round and round it goes!
Goodbye Babies (song in sign)
Click here for video: Goodbye Babies (Friends)
Goodbye babies, goodbye babies
Goodbye babies, it’s time to say goodbye.
Music from CDs We Shared
Children love to sing and dance to music. Here are some of the songs/bounces on CD that we used in storytime. Click onto the CD titles to find these items in our library catalog.
“Clap Everybody and Say Hello” fm Sally Go Round the Sun by Kathy Reid-Naiman
“Ladies Ride” from More Tickles & Tunes by Kathy Reid-Naiman“Smooth Road” from Baby’s Boat by Kathy Reid-Naiman
“I’m a Little Teapot” from Toddler Favorites by Music for Little People
“Two Little Blackbirds” from by Circle Time: songs and rhymes for the very young by Lisa Monet
“Itsy Bitsy Spider” from It’s Toddler Time by Carol Hammett and Elaine Bueffel
“Sing” from Shining Like a Star by Laura Doherty
“Time to Say Goodbye” from Shining Like a Star by Laura Doherty
Continue the Fun
If you’d like to read more books about colors, check these out from your local Pasadena Public Library!