During preschool storytime a few weeks ago, we shared stories about a type of transportation you make go – Bikes!
Books We Shared
The first book we read was Bike On, Bear! written by Cynthea Liu, illustrated by Kristyna Litten. Bear is good at almost everything – science, gymastics, helping others – but he’s not so good at riding a bike. But Bear perseveres and eventually learns to ride thanks to some advice from a library book, and being in the right place at the right time. Now there’s nothing Bear can’t do – right?
We also read New Red Bike! by James E. Ransome. Tom is so excited about his new red bike. He rides it all over and stops at Sam’s house. But after he rings Sam’s doorbell, his new red bike is gone! Where could it have gone?
Flannelboard Story
If You Have a Color Bike
Flannelboard idea taken from Storytime Katie.
To the tune of “Mary Were Her Red Dress”
If you have a red bike,
red bike, red bike,
If you have a red bike
bring it to the board.
Substitute different colors for red.
Here’s a fun bike-themed movement you and sing and do at home!
The Wheels on the Bike
(to the tune of: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The wheels on the bike go round and round (roll hands over each other)
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bike go round and round
All through the town.
Other Verses:
The pedals on the bike go up and down (move feet up and down)…
The streamers on the bike go swish, swoosh, swish (move hands in a swishing motion)…
The bell on the bike goes ding, ding, ding (pretend to ring a bell)…
The basket on the bike holds all the things (make arms into a circle like a basket in front of you)…
The handles on the bike go left and right (pretend hands on handlebar, steer left and right)….
Rhyme taken from: Scott, Barbara A. 1,000 Fingerplays & Action Rhymes: A Sourcebook and DVD. New York: Neal-Schuman. 2010.
Film We Watched
“Duck on a Bike” from The Story About Ping… and Other Fine Feathered Friends. Based on the book by David Shannon.
One day, Duck spots a bike and decides to go for a ride. What do all the other animals think of this?
Continue the Fun
Can’t get enough bike books? Check out these fun books all about you at your Pasadena Public Library Branch.
Preschool Storytime, Central Library 8/27/2016