We had fun reading stories about some very “interesting” pets…there was a pet elephant (yes, a pet elephant), a lithe, slim cat who suddenly grew very, very BIG, an orphaned dog who found a home with seven pesky cats AND some squeaky clean pigs who got into some dirt and ended up a bit mottled. There were also some rhymes, songs and movement games we added to the mix. All in all, we had a pet-tastic storytime!
Here are some of the stories, songs, activities & rhymes we shared:
Opening songs: Welcome Song, Hello Friends (in sign…sung to the tune of Hello Ladies), Clap Your Hands (Wiggleworms)
Action Rhymes & Movement: Open Shut Them, This is Big…, My Head My Shoulders My Knees My Toes
Closing Songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Big Gigantic Spider, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, ABC (Baby Loves Jazz CD) & Goodbye Friends (in sign…sung to the tune of Goodbye Ladies)
Flannelboard Story:
Five Pigs So Squeaky Clean
Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest you’ve ever seen
Wanted to go and play outside
One jumped into the mud,
Landed with a BIG THUD!
Now there are four pigs so squeaky clean.
Oink, oink…
(Four, three, two, one)
More stories to share at home: