We’ve gotten a lot of new children’s books in the library lately all about being in a bad mood. I thought why not highlight some of these titles during storytime? Today we had a lot of fun being grumpy.
To find any of the items used in today’s storytime, just click on the photo of the book.
Books We Shared
We started off with a new release, Crankenstein by Samantha Berger illustrated by Dan Santat. This fun spin on a classic monster has a character that I’m sure everyone can relate to. We followed that up with a reading of Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard, the story of a very grumpy bird and his friends who just won’t let his grumpiness phase them. It’s a fun and funny read.
Flannelboard Stories
Today we sang along with this flannelboard story all about emotions.
Old MacDonald Felt So Glad
(to tune of “Old MacDonald had a farm”)
Old MacDonald felt so glad
And when he’s glad he sounds like this:
With a HA-HA here and a HA-HA there
Here a HA, there a HA everywhere a HA-HA
Old MacDonald felt so glad.
Repeat this, substituting the following emotions and sounds:
Grumpy = NO NO NO NO NO
Sad = Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Silly = Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah
Film We Watched
I know I get grumpy when I want to go outside and play and it’s raining. That’s exactly what happens to Pete. But Pete’s dad knows exactly how to cheer up this grump — make him into a pizza!
Continue the Fun
Feeling grumpy that storytime is over? Check out these other bad mood books to read at home!