In This Little Chick, little chick learns to speak various animal “languages” as she ventures forth from the farm.  The toddlers had fun learning to oink, moo, ribbit and baa along with this adventurous bird.  The story encourages participation and teaches animal identification and sounds.  Lots of fun!

 The infants and toddlers had a great time guessing in I Spy on the Farm by Edward Gibbs.  The illustrations are bright and beautiful, making this a hit with the little ones.

Nancy Tafuri’s This is the Farmer is the perfect book for infants; the simple text and bold, realistic illustrations kept the babies engaged. 

My Farm Friends by Wendell Minor worked well for the older babies (18-36 months).  Combining colorful illustration with facts, I found this book a joy to read aloud, especially since my audience and I learned some interesting facts about farm animals.  Did you know that pigs don’t sweat and can’t cool off in cold water?  They actually roll around in mud to cool off.  Oh…and really, they are naturally very clean (except for the mud part).

Flannel Board:  “Open Up the Barn Door”

Farm 001

Open up the barn door, the spring goes “Boink.”
There’s a pig in the barn, saying, “Oink, oink, oink.”
Open up the barn door before the clock strikes two.
There’s a cow in the barn, saying, “Moo, moo, moo.”
Open up the barn door, it’s a sunny day.
There’s a horse in the barn, saying, “Neigh, neigh, neigh.”
Open up the barn door, singing, “Tra-la-la.”
There’s a sheep in the barn, saying, “Baa, baa, baa.”
Open up the barn door and don’t get off the track.
There’s a duck in the barn, saying, “Quack, quack, quack.”
Credit: Addison Public Library


   Video:  Rosie’s Walk (from the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom DVD)

More farm fun to check out!