In the Spanish-speaking world, today is International Book Day, in honor of William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes, and Garcilaso de la Vega, all of whom died on or around the same day, April 23, 1616! Why not celebrate International Book Day by checking out one of these great Spanish or […]
Up, Up, and Away! Flying Books for Kids
Published on :Are you taking a trip to a far off and distant land with your family this summer? Or even a quick flight to visit family members? Will it be your child’s first experience on an airplane? If so, you may want to check out some of the great books we […]

Hunger Games Readalikes for Middle Grade Readers
Published on :Since the success of the Hunger Games, dystopian novels have surged in popularity. What does “dystopian” mean? Dystopian genrally refers to a society that is declining–the opposite of a utopian; oftentimes, these stories take place in the far future after a major world changing event. Popular themes for dystopian books […]
J Books with Jennifer
Published on :New finds and old favorites for children ages 7-10 (and older!). Recommendations by Children’s Librarian Jennifer D.