Books We Shared

Excellent Ed by Stacy McAnulty, illustrated by Julia Sarcone-Roach 
Everyone in the Ellis family is excellent at something!  But what does dog Ed excel at?  Is he excellent enough to be the family pet?  (Of course he is!  But to find out how, read the book.)

I Spy Pets by Edward Gibbs
It’s time for a game of I Spy!  Seeing only a small bit of a pet, and learning what it likes to eat, can you guess who it is?

Flannelboard Stories

We had fun making pet sounds and singing with our flannelboard stories today.

Pet Voices
This is my Fish.  He makes this sound: “Glub Glub”.
This is my Mouse.  She makes this sound: “Squeak.”
This is my Rabbit.  He makes this sound:  Well, I don’t know what sound rabbits make, but let’s wiggle our noses like them!
This is my Cat.  She makes this sound: “Meow”.
This is my Bird.  He makes this sound: “Tweet tweet.”
This is my Dog.  She makes this sound: “Arf Arf.”

How Much is that Pet in the Window?
(Sing this song to the tune of: “How much is that Doggy in the Window?”)

How much is that doggy in the window? Woof woof!
The one with the waggly tail?
How much is that doggy in the window? Woof woof!
I do hope that doggy’s for sale.

Other verses:
How much is that kitty in the window? Meow meow!
The one with the long whiskers?
How much is that doggy in the window? Meow meow! 
I do hope that kitty’s for sale.

How much is that birdy in the window? Tweet tweet.
The one with the flappity wings?
How much is that birdy in the window? Tweet tweet.
I do hope that birdy’s for sale.

How much is that rabbit in the window? Hop hop.
The one with the hoppity legs?
How much is that rabbit in the window? Hop hop.
I do hope that rabbit’s for sale.

How much is that fishy in the window? Glub glub. 
The one with the swimmy fins?
How much is that fishy in the window? Glub glub.
I do hope that fishy’s for sale.



This fingerplay has 2 favorite pets – kittens and a dog!  Recite this rhyme with your child and do the movements.  Having your child do the movements will help with his or her small motor skills, and it’s fun!

Ten Little Kittens
Ten little kittens standing in a row
(Palms facing forward, fingers extended)
They bow their heads to the children so
(bend fingers forward and back)
They run to the left, they run to the right
(move fingers to alternate sides, wiggling fingers)
The stretch up tall with all their might
(stretch hands over head)
Along comes a dog, looking for some fun
(fingers of one hand resting on thumb, move hand towards other hand)
“Meow!” Away those kittens run!
(As you meow, open both hands with fingers extended, “run” hands behind back)

Music from CDs

Music always adds to storytime.  Here are some songs from CDs we shared:

“Clap Your Hands” from Wiggleworms Love You by Old Town School of Folk Music

“Shake Your Sillies Out” from A Child’s Celebration of Silliest Songs by Raffi

Film We Watched

“Polly Parrot” from Peppa Pig: Muddy Puddles and Other Stories 
Peppa and George are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig.  They are in for a big surprise when they get there — because their grandparents have a new pet!

It’s great to talk about things you watch with your child!  This helps them extend their language!
Here are some suggestions for things to talk about after watching “Polly Parrot”:
– What would you have said to see if Polly would say it back?
– What would you name your bird if you had one for a pet?
– What was the funniest thing Polly said?

 Continue the Fun

Here are some more books about pets to check out at your Pasadena Public Library Branch:


And remember, getting a pet is a big responsibility.  If you want to learn more about an animal before you decide to get one as a pet, the library can help you find books!