WE read some great stories about bunnies and other animals that HOP during our preschool storytime.  We even pulled some magic rabbits out of a hat!

Here are the books, songs, flannel stories. action rhymes and video we shared.


In Pickin’ Peas by Margaret Read MacDonald, a little girl begins harvesting the peas she planted in early spring.  But there is one BIG problem!  She  notices a pesky rabbit following her.  What is he up to?  Why he is picking her peas and EATING THEM!  The little girl is so upset that she grabs him, takes him home and puts him in a box until pea picking season is over.  He’s a clever little rabbit though and he manages to trick her into letting him out of the box to dance and sing for her.  She loves his singing and dancing so much that he is out of the box long enough to jump out the window.  A story with humor, action and wonderful illustrations.  A perfect read aloud for preschoolers.

Who Hops? by Katie Davis is a funny book that involves a bit of guessing.  The book begins by asking the question “Who hops?” – a frog hops, a kangaroo hops…a COW hops…  Wait a minute!  A COW???  A cow doesn’t hop!  The book continues in this fashion (who slithers? who swims? who crawls?)  Finally we get to the question which asks:  Who hops, crawls, slithers and swims?  – YOU DO!  Fun and informative – a book that definitely appeals to preschoolers.

“A Little Brown Bunny”



View video clip below for the words & movements:


Flannel Boards We Shared

Five Magic Rabbits


Five magic rabbits and a TALL black hat (point to rabbits and hat with wand)

Along came a magician and gave each one a pat. (pat rabbits with wand)

S/he waved his magic wand high above their ears AND…


A rabbit disappeared!  (place rabbit in black hat)

Countdown the rabbits until you have none than say…

Five magic rabbits and a TALL black hat

Along came a magician and gave the hat a pat,

S/he waved his magic wand high above the hat AND

ABRACADABRA poof, they all came running back. (pull rabbits out of hat and place them on the Flannel Board)

Action Songs & Fingerplays We Shared

We share a lot of songs, bounces & rhymes during storytime!  You’ll find lyrics/words to those songs & rhymes we shared without CD accompaniment here.

Welcome, Welcome Everyone
(to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle)

Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we’re here let’s have some fun!
First we clap our hands just so,
Then we bend and touch our toes.
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we’re here let’s have some fun

Open Shut Them – Video:  Open Shut Them

Open, shut them, open, shut them, (open and close hands)
Give a little clap, clap, clap.  (clap three times)
Open shut them, open shut them (open and close hands)
Put them in your lap, lap, lap. (place hands in lap and bounce them 3X)

Creep them, crawl them, creep them crawl them, (crawl fingers up arms)
Right up to your chinny  chin chin. (place fingers on chin)
Open up your little mouth (open mouth and say ahhhhhh)
But do not put them in!! (put hands behind your back)

This is Big, Big Big – Video:  This is Big

This is big big big
Hold arms out to side

This is small small small
Cup hands together

This is short short short
Hold hands with palms facing each other

This is tall tall tall
Reach one hand above head

This is fast fast fast
Circle fists quickly

This is slow slow slow
Circle fists slowly

This is yes yes yes

This is no no no
Shake head

Credit:  Mel’s Desk

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Video:  Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle Twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.

Goodbye Friends (in sign) – Video:  Goodbye Friends

Goodbye babies, goodbye babies
Goodbye babies, it’s time to say goodbye.

Music from CDs We Shared

Children love to sing and dance to music.  Here are some of the action songs & rhymes on CD that we used in storytime.  Click onto the CD titles to find these items in our library catalog.

“Clap Everybody and Say Hello” from Sally Go Round the Sun by Carol Hammett and Elaine Bueffel

“Roll Your Hands” from Toddlers on Parade by Kathy Reid-Naiman

“We’re Going to the Market” from I Love to Hear the Sounds by Kathy Reid-Naiman [With Shaker Eggs]

“Oh Children Ring Your Bells” from I Love to Hear the Sounds by Kathy Reid-Naiman!  [With Shaker Eggs]


Video We Shared


We watched “Knuffle Bunny” based on the book Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems.

Continue the Fun at Home

If you want to read more books about rabbits, check these out at your local Pasadena Public Library.